When persecution comes your way, are your eyes fixed on the situation or on Him?
Posts organized by topics that enable you to study of God’s word to help you grow in your walk with God
Part 7: Bridge Builders
The reward of peacemakers is that they are recognized as true children of God. Peacemakers are blessed by God, even if they are ill-treated by man. Peacemakers are blessed to be among God’s children, adopted into His family.
Part 4: Incredible Gift
What’s our response to the wonderful incredible Gift that came down at Christmas? Do we recognize and appreciate the priceless treasure that is ours for the taking?
Part 3: Faithful One
God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He remains faithful, even when we are unfaithful or faithless.
Part 2 – Promise-Keeper
Would you hold on and continue to trust Him to come through for you, fixing your eyes on Him, the Promise-Keeper?
Part 1: All Heavens Declare
Have we become complacent and are taking God’s creation and its beauty for granted? Or do our hearts thrill in worship when we see God’s majesty in His creation?
Who is He in Yonder Stall?
Let us ask who is He, anyways? Is He all that people say He is? Is He truly the God of all the universe and the Redeemer of the human race? Who is He?
Part 6: Cleansed and Focused
The person with a pure heart can see God in nature, in Scripture, in the people around. They will enjoy greater intimacy with God than they could have imagined.
Would the Lord find yours to be a heart that is pure?
Part 5: Compelled by Mercy
Those who are grateful for mercy, are merciful. The bottomless well of mercy extended, should motivate and compel one to pass on the blessing.
What compels your interactions with people?
Part 4: Starved and Parched
What do you and I pursue like we are starved and parched? What is it that drives us and all that we do?
Part 3: Calm and Resting
What today is keeping meekness from being evident in our everyday life fear, worry, anger, pride? May we continually seek to develop this much-valued trait of meekness by calmly trusting and resting Him.
Part 2: Heartbroken
Those who mourn can know the special fellowship with Christ in His sufferings and experience His divine comfort. Are we people who mourn?
Part 1 : Poverty-Stricken
Absolute poverty of spirit is the prerequisite to receiving the kingdom of God. The criteria of receiving the kingdom of God are not based on race, color, earned merits, or even zeal or wealth.
02: Confident and Victorious
Are you facing your battles today from His victory?
01: Take Up and Stand
James 4:7 -Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. To resist the devil is imperative, not a choice. The devil is to be resisted. The Bible in 1 Peter 5:8 reminds us that our adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking...
Part 10 – First Response
A prayerless Christian can wear all the pieces of the armor but will accomplish nothing because of the failure to go into battle through prayer. Prayer is the medium through which the spiritual strength and the armor of God of a Christian are activated.
Part 9 – Fight, in Him-Confidence
When wielded by a servant of God, there is no enemy the Word of God, coupled with His Spirit, cannot defeat.
Take up your sword today and fight!
Part 8 – Essential Protection
Is your helmet of salvation in place today? A soldier would be foolish to go into battle without his helmet.
Part 7 – Take Up, Hold Up
How is your faith today? Is your lack of faith leaving you vulnerable to the attacks of fear, doubt, and unbelief? Or are you holding up your shield of faith, together with other believers, to fight the fiery darts of the evil one?
Part 6 – Marching Orders
Are my feet shod with the gospel of peace? What am I going to do differently about the situations or circumstances that are robbing me of my peace of mind, often rendering me ineffective as a soldier in battle? Who needs to hear the good news of peace from me this week?
Part 5 – Through Christ Alone
Have I secured my breastplate of righteousness today? How am I guarding my heart against the schemes of the evil one?
Part 4 – Battle Ready
How am I ensuring that my belt of truth is unbroken and firmly in place? A belt encompasses our waist, does my conviction of God’s truth encompass all areas of my life, my thoughts, and actions?
Part 3 – The Real Enemy
Are you standing firm in battle today or are your shoulders drooping, in fear or self-pity?
Part 2 – Call to Action
The reason we need to put on the armor of God is to enable us to stand against the wiles of the evil one. What are the wiles of the devil?
Part 1 – Increasing Strength
What are you really relying on? Would you choose to rely on Him and His power instead?
31. Worthy of Our Supreme Love
Our reasonable response to Christ who came down at Christmas
is to give Him our utmost love and devotion
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Matthew #love #ReasonableResponse #devotion
30. Jesus Satisfies Our Deepest Longing
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 30 – we celebrate Jesus, who came to satisfy our deepest need
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #John #SpiritualThirst #LivingWaters
29. Partakers of His Divine Nature
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 29 – we celebrate Jesus, who gives us great and precious promises
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #2Peter #DivineNature #PreciousPromises
28. Jesus Came Down and Dwelt Among Us
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 28 – we celebrate Jesus, who came down to dwell with us
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #John #GodwithUs #Immanuel
27. Jesus Our Prince of Peace
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 27 – we celebrate Jesus, our Prince of Peace
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Isaiah #peace #princeofpeace
26. Our Everlasting Father
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 26 – we celebrate Jesus, our Everlasting Father
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Isaiah #Father #Everlasting Father
25. Jesus is our Almighty God
We celebrate Christmas because Reason 25 – we celebrate Jesus, our Almighty God
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Isaiah #Almighty #LordOfCreation #worship
24. Jesus our Counsellor
We celebrate Christmas because Reason 24 – we celebrate Jesus, our wonderful all-wise Counselor
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Counselor #Guide #all wise
23. Jesus Christ is Wonderful
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 23 – we celebrate Jesus, our wonderful God
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Isaiah #WonderfulGod
22. The Government Upon His Shoulders
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 22 – we celebrate King Jesus and His government upon His shoulders
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Isaiah #KingJesus #government
21. For Unto Us a Child is Born
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 21 – we celebrate Jesus, God’s Son, who chose to identify with us, be born a baby
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Isaiah #Child
20. Jesus the Source of Eternal Life
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 20 – we celebrate Jesus who is the Source of eternal life
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #John #BreadOfLife #EternalLife
19. Jesus the Holy One
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 19 – we celebrate Jesus as the Holy One
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Luke #holy #sinless #sacrifice
18. Jesus Christ, Our Glorious Hope
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 18 – we celebrate Jesus our Redeemer, who paid the ransom for many
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Mark #Titus #Redeeemer #Ransom #hope #sin
17. Jesus is the Judge
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 17 – we celebrate Jesus as the Judge
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #John #Judge #sin
16. Jesus, the Proclaimer of Good News
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 16 – we celebrate Jesus, the Proclaimer of Good News
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Luke #good news #gospel
15. Jesus Brings Us Great Joy
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 15 – we celebrate Jesus who brings us great joy
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Luke #joy
14. Jesus the Light of the World
We celebrate Jesus because
Reason 14 – we celebrate Jesus the Light of the world
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #John #Light #darkness #sin
13. Jesus is Our Saviour
We celebrate Jesus because
Reason 13 – we celebrate Jesus our Saviour
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Hebrews #1 Timothy #Saviour #sacrifice
12. Jesus is the Servant King
We celebrate Jesus because
Reason 12 – we celebrate Jesus our Servant King
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Mark #Servant King #serve
11. Jesus is the Prince of Peace
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 11 – Jesus is our peace
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Ephesians #peace #reconciliation #sin #separation
10. Jesus the High Priest
We celebrate Jesus because
Reason 10 – we celebrate Jesus our High Priest
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Hebrews #HighPriest
9. Jesus’ Submission and Obedience
We celebrate Jesus because
Reason 9 – Jesus was obedient
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Obedience #John #submission
8. In Humility, Jesus Emptied Himself
We celebrate Jesus because
Reason 8 – in humility, Jesus emptied Himself
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Philippians #humility #ServantKing #cross #submission #surrender
6. Jesus Calls Us to Choose Him
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 6 – Jesus provides us the opportunity to choose peace in Him
7. Jesus the Fulfillment and the Penalty
We celebrate Christmas because Reason 7 – Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the law and became the penalty in my place
#31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod
5. Jesus Identifies With Us
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 5 – Jesus came down to identify Himself with sinners like you and me
#WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod
4. Jesus Came to Die on the Cross
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 4 – Jesus came to die on the cross for your sins and mine
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #God’sLove #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #John #Cross #death
3. Jesus Came to Heal the Sin-sick Soul
We celebrate Christmas because Reason 3 – Jesus came to save us from sin
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonsfor Christmas #Mark #Sin, #SaveOur Souls #sin-sick
2. Jesus’ Unyielding Mission to Seek the Lost
We celebrate Christmas because Reason 2 – Jesus came to seek and save you and me
1. Divine Love in Action
We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 1 – God loved us
Day 14: From Gallery to One
Victorious Christian Living Lord the opinions of our family and friends take way more importance than they should. As a result, we are so caught up in ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ and ‘playing to the gallery’ Lord, that we are caught up in the never-ending...
Day 13: From Entitled to Rights Surrendered
Victorious Christian Living Lord we often are so full of ourselves, our rights, and our entitlement. We are proud and focused on ourselves, our interests, our needs, our wants. We don’t mind blaming others when we feel threatened or to make ourselves look good. We...
Day 12: From Prayerless to Prayerful
Victorious Christian Living Lord, we confess that we don’t pray enough. You have commanded us to pray in all situations, but we don’t. Sometimes we pray superficially. Other times we don’t pray because we feel it is too small or insignificant for a mighty God...
Day 11: From Fearful to Secure
Victorious Christian Living Lord, we are so caught up in our own fear and insecurity that we forget who we are or whose we are. Each day and its challenges often leave us feeling so inadequate, anxious, and stressed about almost everything, causing major impact on our...
Day 10: From Unbelief to Unswerving Faith
Victorious Christian Living Unbelief, doubt, and worry plague our minds constantly Lord, and reflect in how we respond to life situations, day in and day out. We don’t take you at your word Lord, or live confidently each day, by the many promises in your word. We...
Day 9: From Busy to Important
Victorious Christian Living Lord, we are so guilty of getting caught up in the busyness of life and losing focus of what really matters. We are busy doing life and keeping up with all its demands, that we don’t make time for you. In our busyness, we don’t...
Day 8: From Disappointment to Peace
Victorious Christian Living Lord, disappointments, discouragements are very real and we experience them almost every day. We are disappointed with our situations, with ourselves, the people in our lives and the list can go on. In our disappointment we tend to believe...
Day 7: From Bitterness to Remembrance
Victorious Christian Living Lord we confess that we have been bitter when we don’t seem to be getting answers for things we have prayed and we have prayed for, may be for even years on end. We are quick to to doubt your goodness and we do not trust your...
Day 6: From Making Excuses to Repentance
Victorious Christian Living Lord forgive us for times when we excuse our actions, not taking responsibility for our wrongful behaviour. For times Lord when we are quick to hide our wrongful words and actions behind – ‘I behaved this way because they did this, said...
Day 5: From Complaining to Contentment
Victorious Christian Living So often Lord we are unhappy with our situations and tend to compare and complain. We are quick to be bitter and to murmur. We are so focused on the ‘grass that is greener on the other side’ that we forget to see or appreciate what you...
Day 4: From Controlling to Liberating Faith
Victorious Christian Living Lord so often in our fear or pride, we tend to try and control our circumstances and the people around us. We are so bent on having our own way. We want to be in control of every detail, big and small. We have failed to seek your will or...
Day 3: From Rebellion to Surrender
Victorious Christian Living Lord we are sinful and our hearts are inclined to rebel. We have rebelled against you in so many ways, in our actions and our thoughts. We have rebelled when we have not remembered the abundance of your mercies and goodness to us, when we...
Day 2: From Complacency to Passionate Zeal
Victorious Christian Living Lord as we look back we confess that we have been complacent many a time. We have taken you and your amazing love for granted, We have so easily forgotten the unexplainable price you paid for each of us, when you chose to come down to earth...
Day 1: Grateful and Renewed Commitment
Victorious Christian Living Lord as we look back on the year gone by, with its many challenges, fears, and pain, we are grateful! We are grateful Lord to be alive when many loved ones have been called home. We are grateful for the many ways you have provided and...
Prepare for Victorious Christian Living
Victorious Christian Living Making resolutions at the beginning of the year is common practice. At the beginning of the year, many of us make resolves and resolutions of various kinds, to bring change with regard to our health, time, finances, or even relationships....
Introduction: Daily Christian Living
Series: Daily Christian Living We here begin a series on this passage in the gospel of Matthew 5, famously known as the Beatitudes. We will look together in the coming weeks at this section of Jesus’ teaching the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 5 begins by saying,...