I cry out to you, God, but you do not answer; I stand up, but you merely look at me. – Job 30:20
Job was perplexed.
Job was frustrated and discouraged too. He just could not understand his situation. He wanted to know why God was afflicting him this way. He was quite certain that it could not be that God was judging him for his sins. Rather these trials came on Job because of his righteousness. They came because God appreciated and had so much confidence in him that He allowed Satan to test Job.
Job was also rather lonely. He didn’t seem to have anyone to turn to. His friends did not understand. They believed that Job’s suffering came from God. They did not understand the existence and work of Satan. His wife was no help at all either. And so, Job wanted to reason out, to discuss what was happening with God (Job 23:3-4). But the Bible says he felt like he just could not find God (Job 23:8).
Job’s situation was difficult. And if we look only at the pain and suffering, it sure seems like a terrible situation. But we see, in the later chapters, that Job came through these difficulties, a wiser and more mature person. God values these qualities in us and they are very important in His kingdom.
The difficulties and pain we go through need not have a negative effect on us. When we continue to trust and hope in God even through situations we do not understand, you and I too can emerge as better, stronger, and wiser, by His grace.
Would you trust and hope in God today, even through your tough situations?
Lord help me come to you humbly and honestly with issues that disturb me, I pray.
Extended Reading – Job 24-28
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