Acts 22:15 – For you will be His witness to all men of what you have seen and heard.
Paul, after being given permission by the commander, begins to share his account. He describes his dramatic conversion to the authorities and the crowd. Paul testifies about how he was once zealous in persecuting those who followed Christ. But when the Lord met him, everything changed. His heart and agenda were transformed. What mattered to Paul before now mattered no more.
An encounter with Christ completely changed Paul’s life. He no longer pursued his own agendas or purposes. His sole aim became Christ and His Gospel. The Lord called him to go and witness to all people about what he had seen and heard.
As Christians, we share this same calling. We are called to witness to all people, telling them about Christ and His salvation, making disciples of all nations. We do this with the assurance that He is with us always (Matthew 28:19-20). We are called to be the salt and light of the earth, bringing flavor and light to a dark world.
How are we witnessing Christ to those around us today? What are the things that matter most to us? Family, career, education, relationships, money, health—these are all important, but they are also gifts from the Lord. Have these gifts become our priorities, or are we using them to witness for Christ?
Lord, forgive me for the times I don’t prioritize You. Help me to be Your witness in the place You have set me. Amen.
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Praise God