word of God

What Actually Matters: Tradition Vs Truth

What Actually Matters: Tradition Vs Truth

In our spiritual journey, let’s be wary of prioritizing man-made traditions over God’s word. Jesus teaches us that authenticity and heart condition matter more than mere appearances.

Walking by Faith: Own Your Promises

Walking by Faith: Own Your Promises

The Lord had an interesting conversation with Abram, after Lot and he parted ways. There are some rich truths there that are relevant for us even today


Bible Verses: Reconciliation

Bible Verses: Reconciliation

Reconciliation is extremely significant in the Bible. Delve into His Word to understand the transformative power of forgiveness, love. Be His agent of peace.

Embracing God’s Omniscience and Living His Word

Embracing God’s Omniscience and Living His Word

“God’s omniscience is a comforting truth. It means that no matter what we face, He already knows the outcome and has a plan in place.” – Rick Warren

Would you choose to trust Him and live out His Word?

God Restores: The Power of His Word

God Restores: The Power of His Word

Our God is a God not just of second chances, but many chances.
Getting right with God after a time of rebellion must always begin and center on God’s word.
n those moments when we feel broken, lost, or burdened by guilt, it is through the Word that we find hope and healing. It is in the promises and teachings of Scripture that we encounter the very heart of God, who longs to restore and renew us.

Bible Verses: The Bible, Word of God

Bible Verses: The Bible, Word of God

The Bible is a collection of 66 writings by more than 40 human authors. It is God’s special and unique written revelation of Himself to human beings and, as such, its words are not only the words of the human authors, but also the very words of God (2 Timothy...