Jesus’ Prayer – Embracing Surrender

Published on May 30, 2023
Category: Behold! | Devotion

Read: Mark 14:27-53

Mark 14:35-36 – Going a little farther, he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him. “Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”

Jesus’ prayer sets us a powerful example of faith and submission!

Gethsemane which means “olive press” was the place where olives from the neighbourhood were crushed for their oil. So too, the Son of God would be crushed here.

As Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, He knew exactly what lay ahead. He was no unknowing sacrificial animal nor was He a victim of circumstances. He the all-knowing, omniscient God knew what was coming and resolved willingly to lay down His life. He knew that He had come down as a human for this purpose, to be a sacrifice for sins, He knew the pain He must endure. And He was in agony. The spiritual horror of being made sin (2 Corinthians 5:21) was much greater that the agony of physical torture. “His holy soul shrank from the awfulness of being made sin upon the tree. It was not death, but the divine anger against sin, the imputation to Him of all our iniquities that filled His soul with horror. There was no conflict of wills.” (Ironside).

In His moment of deep distress, Jesus did not feel far from God the Father. Instead He felt so close to the Father that He uses the name Abba, a child’s familiar name for Daddy. His prayer was at not seeking permission to let humanity perish in hell. He was asking the Father if there was any other way of salvation, any other way where His death was not necessary. And His prayer was not answered.

In response to Jesus’ deeply moved prayers, the Father did not take the cup away but strengthened Him instead to be able to take the cup and drink it. The struggle of the cross was won at the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus prayer agonizing as it was, was tempered by supreme submission – yet not what I will, but what you will. A prayer that reflects deep faith and trust in God.

This prayer of Jesus is a wonderful example:

Recognize God’s Power: Jesus addresses God as “Abba, Father,” emphasizing the close and intimate relationship he shares with God. In moments of deep anguish, Jesus turns to his loving Father, acknowledging that nothing is impossible for Him.

Times of challenge should be times we drawer closer to God, recognizing Him as our loving Father. Reminds us that no matter how difficult or overwhelming a situation may seem, we can approach God with confidence, knowing that He has the power to bring about change and provide comfort.

Honesty and Transparency: Jesus, in his humanity, expresses his genuine emotions and desires to God. He doesn’t pretend to be strong or unaffected by the impending suffering. We can be authentic in our prayers, knowing that God welcomes our honest expressions of pain, fear, and longing. He understands our deepest emotions and invites us to bring them before Him.

Submission to God’s Will: Despite His own desires, Jesus willingly submits to the will of the Father. A powerful reminder to examine our hearts and surrender our own plans and desires to God. To remember that God’s ways are higher than ours, and even when we don’t understand His purposes, we can trust that He is working all things for our ultimate good.

Faith in God’s Purpose: Jesus’ prayer reveals his unwavering faith in God’s greater purpose and plan. Even in seasons of suffering or uncertainty, God has a purpose and is at work behind the scenes. We can trust that He is orchestrating events and using them for our growth, transformation, and the fulfillment of His purposes.

Alignment with the Father: Jesus seeks perfect alignment with the Father’s will, displaying their deep unity and relationship. We are called to cultivate a similar closeness with God and strive to align our own will with His. The path of obedience and surrender leads to a deeper intimacy with God and a life that reflects His love and purposes.

How do you and I approach God in prayer? Do we come to Him in honesty and humility? Are we willing to trust and submit to Him and His divine purposes even when we do not receive the answers we are looking for?


  1. How does Jesus’ prayer of supreme submission challenge me to examine my own attitude towards surrendering to God’s will in my life?
  2. Are there areas in my life where I struggle to submit to God’s plans and desires? How can I emulate Jesus’ example of deep trust and surrender in those areas?
  3. Reflecting on Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, how does it inspire me to approach my own prayers with honesty and transparency before God?

Scripture Writing: 1 Peter 5:6

Song: Lead Me to the Cross

For more daily devotions like this – At the Potter’s Wheel (Kindle)


Preethi Alice Jacob

Preethi Jacob is the author of the yearlong devotional At the Potter’s Wheel, Day by Day. Her journey includes teaching a Bible Study Fellowship class, teaching and leading the Sunday School ministry in her church, leading Bible studies, besides counselling young women. She serves on the Global Mission Team of the United Bible Societies and lives in Bangalore, India with her husband and two young adult children.

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