Shut In by Faith: But Not Forgotten

Shut In by Faith: But Not Forgotten

Are there times when you feel shut in, trapped in some difficult situation? Obedient Noah was shut in too, but he was not alone or forgotten!

But Noah: Obedience the Cornerstone of Faith

But Noah: Obedience the Cornerstone of Faith

But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. With not a cloud in sight, never having seen rain, Noah faithfully built this thing called the ark over a span of decades! Now if that is not obedience, what is?

To Receive, Expect: Hope Against Hope

To Receive, Expect: Hope Against Hope

What promise from God seems too unbelievable for you today? Would you choose to hope against all hope, with unwavering belief, and give Him all the glory? Expect to receive. To receive, expect!