Topic-wise Bible Verses

Find here Bible verses on various topics to help you meditate and grow in your Christian walk

Bible Verses: Reconciliation

Bible Verses: Reconciliation

Reconciliation is extremely significant in the Bible. Delve into His Word to understand the transformative power of forgiveness, love. Be His agent of peace.

Bible Verses: The Bible, Word of God

Bible Verses: The Bible, Word of God

The Bible is a collection of 66 writings by more than 40 human authors. It is God’s special and unique written revelation of Himself to human beings and, as such, its words are not only the words of the human authors, but also the very words of God (2 Timothy...

Bible Verses: The Lord our God

Bible Verses: The Lord our God

The Lord our God is powerful and unchanging. His power is evident throughout history and continues to be displayed in the lives of believers today. His unchanging nature gives us hope and security, knowing that He will never leave us or forsake us. As we live in light...

Bible Verses: Jesus, the Cornerstone

Bible Verses: Jesus, the Cornerstone

Jesus is the cornerstone of God’s great plan of the ages, that all things would be founded and fulfilled in Him. The ‘capstone’ or ‘cornerstone’ was an important stone, that held together two rows of stones or stabilized the stones at the foundation. Jesus...

Bible Verses: Jesus, Our Servant King

Bible Verses: Jesus, Our Servant King

Jesus sets us the ultimate example of servant leadership through His humility. The Son of God, the Second Person in the Trinity, left His glory above to come and serve and die for you and me. What kind of love is this? As you meditate on these verses, may you grow in...

Bible Verses: God Directs Your Steps

Bible Verses: God Directs Your Steps

You matter to God. He is with you and will direct your steps. David knew better than most that there would be dark days in this life and he wrote that, even though he walked through the valley of the shadow of death, he didn’t need to fear evil because His heavenly...

Bible Verses: God Cares for You

Bible Verses: God Cares for You

Do you ever feel all alone and like nobody cares? That God is far away and doesn’t care for you? That maybe He has forgotten about you or isn’t really involved in your life? As you read and meditate on these verses, may God encourage your heart with the truth of...

Bible Verses: God is My Defender

Bible Verses: God is My Defender

God is our Defender. He will fight our battles for us when we trust and rest in Him. He is our refuge, our strong tower: Whatever might be your situation, however great your challenge, whatever you may be going through, or whatever you may have done, please remember...

Bible Verses: Jesus, Son of God

Bible Verses: Jesus, Son of God

Jesus is the second person of the Trinity and has existed eternally. The title "Son of God" does not indicate Jesus was the literal offspring of His Father. On the contrary, the Bible often uses the word "son" to mean, "possessing the nature of," or, "in the order...

Bible Verses: Holy

Bible Verses: Holy

To be holy is to be set apart, sacred, sanctified. God is holy. God is perfect in all His ways in eternity past, present, and future. His perfection is revealed in three Persons: Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit, who share equal divine attributes. No one is...

Bible Verses: Compassion

Bible Verses: Compassion

Compassion is to feel deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is hurting, in pain, or has misfortune and is accompanied by a strong desire to help the suffering. Jesus demonstrated compassion by healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and comforting the grieving....