
Shut In by Faith: But Not Forgotten

Shut In by Faith: But Not Forgotten

Are there times when you feel shut in, trapped in some difficult situation? Obedient Noah was shut in too, but he was not alone or forgotten!

But Noah: Obedience the Cornerstone of Faith

But Noah: Obedience the Cornerstone of Faith

But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. With not a cloud in sight, never having seen rain, Noah faithfully built this thing called the ark over a span of decades! Now if that is not obedience, what is?

To Receive, Expect: Hope Against Hope

To Receive, Expect: Hope Against Hope

What promise from God seems too unbelievable for you today? Would you choose to hope against all hope, with unwavering belief, and give Him all the glory? Expect to receive. To receive, expect!

True Worship: Offering God our Best

True Worship: Offering God our Best

Are you giving God your best, or do you sometimes settle for the easiest or cheapest way to worship Him? God desires, is infinitely worthy of our true worship.

Kingdom of Love: The Invitation is Open

Kingdom of Love: The Invitation is Open

Do the demands of my busy life, work, responsibilities often drown out the soft whisper of God’s invitation? Jesus lovingly invites us to His Great Banquet.

Our Compassionate God Sees and Sets Free

Our Compassionate God Sees and Sets Free

Pause to consider how you have experienced God’s compassion. Our God is compassionate and calls us to reflect His compassion to the hurting world around us.

The All Important Question

The All Important Question

Who do you see Jesus as – a historical figure, a good teacher, a moral example to follow? This question that has eternal consequences begs an answer today.

The Unmatched Power and Might of Our God

The Unmatched Power and Might of Our God

Do I trust in God’s sovereignty, power, or do I rely on the idols of my own abilities, worldly solutions?
Our God is all powerful and worthy of all our worship!

The Ultimate Redeemer: Jesus Christ

The Ultimate Redeemer: Jesus Christ

Do you find yourself in the bondage of past mistakes or regrets? Jesus is our redeemer who has paid the price for our freedom. Would you trust Him today?

Abundant Forgiveness, Overflowing Love

Abundant Forgiveness, Overflowing Love

Guilt and shame can be crippling tools that the evil one uses to keep us from failing to fully embrace God’s forgiveness. Would you choose to come to Him today?

Sovereign God: Calls and Equips

Sovereign God: Calls and Equips

Am I allowing past mistakes, failures, and labels to limit my view of what God can do through me? God is our sovereign Way Maker, equipping those He calls.

God’s Tender Mercies: A Path to Victory

God’s Tender Mercies: A Path to Victory

Fears, doubts or feelings of insecurities are real. God understands and anchors us with tender mercies, empowering us to live in victory.
#GodsTenderMercies #WalkingInVictory #TrustingHisPromises #FindingCourage

Unfailing Mercy: God’s Lifeline

Unfailing Mercy: God’s Lifeline

We all desperately need God’s unfailing mercy. When faced with difficulties, do I genuinely turn to God in dependence and cry out to Him for deliverance?

Responding in Faith to Our Faithful God

Responding in Faith to Our Faithful God

Do you find yourself relying on your own strength and coming up short? God is faithful and not one of His promises fail. He comes through every single time.

Humility: Jesus, the Ultimate Example

Humility: Jesus, the Ultimate Example

Break free from the chains of pride and self-centeredness. Follow Jesus’ example to grow in humility, relying on the Holy Spirit to guide you daily. God is near to all who call on Him.

Ever-Present God Listens When We Call

Ever-Present God Listens When We Call

Are there times you feel disconnected from God like He is distant, uninterested, or even absent in your life?

God is near to all who call on Him.

God Cares: The Sin of Doing Nothing

God Cares: The Sin of Doing Nothing

True love is not but manifested through compassionate action, extending a helping hand to those in need. When I needed a neighbor were you there?

Embracing God’s Omniscience and Living His Word

Embracing God’s Omniscience and Living His Word

“God’s omniscience is a comforting truth. It means that no matter what we face, He already knows the outcome and has a plan in place.” – Rick Warren. Would you choose to trust Him and live out His Word?

Practicing Justice: Reflects the Heart of God

Practicing Justice: Reflects the Heart of God

Justice is not an optional add-on to our faith. It is a core component, intricately woven into the very fabric of who God is and what He desires for His creation. Am I reflecting my God by practicing justice?

God Restores: The Power of His Word

God Restores: The Power of His Word

Our God is a God not just of second chances, but many chances. Getting right with God after a time of rebellion must always begin and center on God’s word. In those moments when we feel broken, lost, or burdened by guilt, it is through the Word that we find hope and healing. It is in the promises and teachings of Scripture that we encounter the very heart of God, who longs to restore and renew us.

God Answers Faith-filled Prayers

God Answers Faith-filled Prayers

Consider the mountains you may be facing today. Persist in faith-filled prayer, knowing that He is able to move and overcome the impossible.

Our Jealous God Demands Exclusive Devotion

Our Jealous God Demands Exclusive Devotion

God’s jealousy is love in action. He refuses to share the human heart with any rival, not because He is selfish, but because He knows that our very moral life depends on our loyalty to Him.

God Heals: On the Jericho Road

God Heals: On the Jericho Road

Do I have the determination and faith of Bartimaeus to cry out to Jesus for mercy and healing in my life? Do I truly believe that God cares enough to stop and listen to every heart’s cry, including mine?

Following Jesus’ Example of Compassion

Following Jesus’ Example of Compassion

Jesus reached out to everyone, breaking down social barriers. Let’s follow His example and extend compassion to those in need. How can you show compassion today?

Finding Strength in Our Defender

Finding Strength in Our Defender

God is your strength. Stand rooted in your spiritual connection with the true God and remember He is our Way Maker, mighty in battle.

What Actually Matters: Tradition Vs Truth

What Actually Matters: Tradition Vs Truth

In our spiritual journey, let’s be wary of prioritizing man-made traditions over God’s word. Jesus teaches us that authenticity and heart condition matter more than mere appearances.

God’s Response to Rebellion: Aaron’s Rod

God’s Response to Rebellion: Aaron’s Rod

Aaron’s rod not only sprouted but budded, blossomed, and yielded ripe almonds – a miracle only God could perform. Not a small sign, but a vivid display of His approval of Aaron’s leadership.

The Divine Farmer: What is Your Soil?

The Divine Farmer: What is Your Soil?

Let’s connect with fellow believers, encourage each other, and pray for spiritual nourishment. Remember, our God, the Divine Farmer, sows His word to all.

First Job of A Disciple: Be with Jesus

First Job of A Disciple: Be with Jesus

Being with Jesus is vital for our spiritual growth and well-being. As we remain in Him, we bear fruit, find rest, and learn from Him as our teacher and guide.

Food Laws in the Bible: Their Significance Today?

Food Laws in the Bible: Their Significance Today?

The prohibition of certain foods as unclean was a temporary part of God’s way of making Israel distinct from the nations of the world. With the coming of Christ, God’s people, are no longer political-ethnic people like the Jews, but a global people, from every tribe and language ethnicity and race.

God’s Holiness and Our Call to Be Holy

God’s Holiness and Our Call to Be Holy

Leviticus 1:1 opens with God calling Moses to speak with him from the tent of meeting. God’s holiness is emphasized throughout the book, and He calls His people to be holy too.

The Wideness of God’s Grace

The Wideness of God’s Grace

Jesus’ sacrifice was ultimate and perfect. He gave His very life and the last drop of His blood for you and me.

Jesus, the Cornerstone of God’s Kingdom

Jesus, the Cornerstone of God’s Kingdom

The religious leaders rejected Him, the Roman leaders crucified Him, the Jewish multitudes chose another, and the disciples cowered in fear. What is your response to Jesus the Cornerstone?

Eternal Life: Why It Cannot Be Earned

Eternal Life: Why It Cannot Be Earned

Eternal life is a divine gift from God, given to those who place their trust in Jesus as their Savior. It’s not something you can earn through good deeds.

On Eagle’s Wings

On Eagle’s Wings

God chose to send His Son into the world to rescue us so that we may be His people, His treasured possession to have fellowship with Him. He carries us on eagle’s wings.

What in Your Life Needs To Be Undone?

What in Your Life Needs To Be Undone?

Isaiah felt undone, and rightly so when he saw the vision of God. Undone is not a bad place to be. God will never do anything with us till he has first of all undone us.

When the Battles of Life Loom Large

When the Battles of Life Loom Large

Being still, especially in times of crisis, can be very tough. We may be worried and frustrated but remember this God fights your battles.

God’s Unmerited Favor

God’s Unmerited Favor

The persistent and unyielding faith of the gentle woman, even when it seemed otherwise, led to her daughter’s healing. Let’s remember to remain steadfast in our faith and trust in God’s grace, regardless of the challenges we face.

Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

Jesus Christ, our Passover, the sinless, spotless One died to pay the price to rescue you and me from sin and death once and for all

Who Do You Say I Am?

Who Do You Say I Am?

Is Jesus your personal Savior? Do you believe He is truly the Son of God? How is knowing Jesus personally, affecting your life each day?

The Bottom Line

The Bottom Line

Murders begin not with the dagger, but with the malice of the soul. Adulteries and fornications are first gloated over in the heart before they are enacted by the body.

Whom Does God Call?

Whom Does God Call?

God continues to call people, weak and imperfect, to fulfill His divine purposes.Do you like Moses feel overwhelmed and inadequate for what God is calling you to do today?

Can We Trust God in Difficult Times?

Can We Trust God in Difficult Times?

Joseph’s wise preparation for the famine saved his family in Canaan from difficult times, ensuring the eventual birth of Jesus, the Messiah, and the salvation of humanity from sin.

Divine Calling: Embracing God’s Equipping for Service

Divine Calling: Embracing God’s Equipping for Service

God continues to invite people to share the gospel with a needy world. He doesn’t call those who are already equipped, but rather equips those He calls. Despite their weaknesses, He empowers them to accomplish remarkable feats for Him.

A Life that is Led: A Tale of Faith

A Life that is Led: A Tale of Faith

Can you really know God and His ways? Do you expect God to answer when you pray? Are you walking by faith ? A life that is led is a prayerful life.

31. Worthy of Our Supreme Love

31. Worthy of Our Supreme Love

Our reasonable response to Christ who came down at Christmas

is to give Him our utmost love and devotion

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Matthew #love #ReasonableResponse #devotion

30. Jesus Satisfies Our Deepest Longing

30. Jesus Satisfies Our Deepest Longing

We celebrate Christmas because

Reason 30 – we celebrate Jesus, who came to satisfy our deepest need

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #John #SpiritualThirst #LivingWaters

29. Partakers of His Divine Nature

29. Partakers of His Divine Nature

We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 29 – we celebrate Jesus, who gives us great and precious promises

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #2Peter #DivineNature #PreciousPromises

28. Jesus Came Down and Dwelt Among Us

28. Jesus Came Down and Dwelt Among Us

We celebrate Christmas because

Reason 28 – we celebrate Jesus, who came down to dwell with us

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #John #GodwithUs #Immanuel

27. Jesus Our Prince of Peace

27. Jesus Our Prince of Peace

We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 27 – we celebrate Jesus, our Prince of Peace

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Isaiah #peace #princeofpeace

26. Our Everlasting Father

26. Our Everlasting Father

We celebrate Christmas because

Reason 26 – we celebrate Jesus, our Everlasting Father

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Isaiah #Father #Everlasting Father

25. Jesus is our Almighty God

25. Jesus is our Almighty God

We celebrate Christmas because Reason 25 – we celebrate Jesus, our Almighty God

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Isaiah #Almighty #LordOfCreation #worship

24. Jesus our Counsellor

24. Jesus our Counsellor

We celebrate Christmas because Reason 24 – we celebrate Jesus, our wonderful all-wise Counselor
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Counselor #Guide #all wise

23. Jesus Christ is Wonderful

23. Jesus Christ is Wonderful

We celebrate Christmas because

Reason 23 – we celebrate Jesus, our wonderful God

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Isaiah #WonderfulGod

22. The Government Upon His Shoulders

22. The Government Upon His Shoulders

We celebrate Christmas because

Reason 22 – we celebrate King Jesus and His government upon His shoulders

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Isaiah #KingJesus #government

21. For Unto Us a Child is Born

21. For Unto Us a Child is Born

We celebrate Christmas because

Reason 21 – we celebrate Jesus, God’s Son, who chose to identify with us, be born a baby

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Isaiah #Child

20. Jesus the Source of Eternal Life

20. Jesus the Source of Eternal Life

We celebrate Christmas because

Reason 20 – we celebrate Jesus who is the Source of eternal life

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #John #BreadOfLife #EternalLife

19. Jesus the Holy One

19. Jesus the Holy One

We celebrate Christmas because

Reason 19 – we celebrate Jesus as the Holy One

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Luke #holy #sinless #sacrifice

18. Jesus Christ, Our Glorious Hope

18. Jesus Christ, Our Glorious Hope

We celebrate Christmas because

Reason 18 – we celebrate Jesus our Redeemer, who paid the ransom for many

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Mark #Titus #Redeeemer #Ransom #hope #sin

17. Jesus is the Judge

17. Jesus is the Judge

We celebrate Christmas because

Reason 17 – we celebrate Jesus as the Judge

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #John #Judge #sin

16. Jesus, the Proclaimer of Good News

16. Jesus, the Proclaimer of Good News

We celebrate Christmas because

Reason 16 – we celebrate Jesus, the Proclaimer of Good News

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Luke #good news #gospel

15. Jesus Brings Us Great Joy

15. Jesus Brings Us Great Joy

We celebrate Christmas because

Reason 15 – we celebrate Jesus who brings us great joy

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Luke #joy

14. Jesus the Light of the World

14. Jesus the Light of the World

We celebrate Jesus because
Reason 14 – we celebrate Jesus the Light of the world

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #John #Light #darkness #sin

13. Jesus is Our Saviour

13. Jesus is Our Saviour

We celebrate Jesus because

Reason 13 – we celebrate Jesus our Saviour

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Hebrews #1 Timothy #Saviour #sacrifice

12. Jesus is the Servant King

12. Jesus is the Servant King

We celebrate Jesus because

Reason 12 – we celebrate Jesus our Servant King

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Mark #Servant King #serve

11. Jesus is the Prince of Peace

11. Jesus is the Prince of Peace

We celebrate Christmas because

Reason 11 – Jesus is our peace
#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Ephesians #peace #reconciliation #sin #separation

10. Jesus the High Priest

10. Jesus the High Priest

We celebrate Jesus because

Reason 10 – we celebrate Jesus our High Priest

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Hebrews #HighPriest

9. Jesus’ Submission and Obedience

9. Jesus’ Submission and Obedience

We celebrate Jesus because

Reason 9 – Jesus was obedient

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Obedience #John #submission

8. In Humility, Jesus Emptied Himself

8. In Humility, Jesus Emptied Himself

We celebrate Jesus because

Reason 8 – in humility, Jesus emptied Himself

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Philippians #humility #ServantKing #cross #submission #surrender

7. Jesus the Fulfillment and the Penalty

7. Jesus the Fulfillment and the Penalty

We celebrate Christmas because Reason 7 – Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the law and became the penalty in my place
#31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod

6. Jesus Calls Us to Choose Him

6. Jesus Calls Us to Choose Him

We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 6 – Jesus provides us the opportunity to choose peace in Him


5. Jesus Identifies With Us

5. Jesus Identifies With Us

We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 5 – Jesus came down to identify Himself with sinners like you and me

#WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod

4. Jesus Came to Die on the Cross

4. Jesus Came to Die on the Cross

We celebrate Christmas because
Reason 4 – Jesus came to die on the cross for your sins and mine

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #God’sLove #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #John #Cross #death

3. Jesus Came to Heal the Sin-sick Soul

3. Jesus Came to Heal the Sin-sick Soul

We celebrate Christmas because Reason 3 – Jesus came to save us from sin

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonsfor Christmas #Mark #Sin, #SaveOur Souls #sin-sick

2. Jesus’ Unyielding Mission to Seek the Lost

2. Jesus’ Unyielding Mission to Seek the Lost

We celebrate Christmas because Reason 2 – Jesus came to seek and save you and me


Navigating Discouragement: Stirring Love and Good Works

Navigating Discouragement: Stirring Love and Good Works

Do you seek fellowship, support from your faith community in times of discouragement, or do you tend to isolate?
Hebrews reminds us of the power of fellowship.


Audience of One: Call to Diligent Discipleship

Audience of One: Call to Diligent Discipleship

Do I get caught up in the desire for popularity or approval from people in my faith journey?

Paul reminds Timothy of the importance of choosing to please God


Divinely Different: Disciple is Called to A Set-Apart Life

Divinely Different: Disciple is Called to A Set-Apart Life

Being different is not always something we enjoy. We often would prefer to blend in. But Jesus calls His disciples to be set apart.


A Disciple Makes Room for Christ to Increase

A Disciple Makes Room for Christ to Increase

Would you consider yourself a humble person? Who is increasing in your life?

They say we are all humble people until our names are missed in the vote of thanks.
#ServantHeart #GreatnessInService #ChristlikeHumility #ServingOthers #HumbleLeadership #JesusWay #HumilityInAction #FromBelieverToDisciple #ServantLeadership #Matthew

Response of the Heart: A Psalm Through Every Season

Response of the Heart: A Psalm Through Every Season

Who, what do you turn to when life is tough? In happy times? Isaiah worshipped.
May the words of this poem encourage us to worship Him with surrendered hearts.


Love as a Badge: Standing Out as a Christ Follower

Love as a Badge: Standing Out as a Christ Follower

How does the sacrificial love of Christ reshape your understanding of love? In navigating challenging relationships, how can you mirror His extraordinary love?


The Disciple’s Challenge: Choosing Christ Above All Else

The Disciple’s Challenge: Choosing Christ Above All Else

Who cannot be a disciple of Jesus? what disqualifies us? What does a relationship with Jesus look like?

Jesus reminds us it is all a matter of our choices.


No Other Way!: Discipleship Through Obedience to Christ’s Word

No Other Way!: Discipleship Through Obedience to Christ’s Word

Where have you made your ‘home’? In your circumstances? career? relationships? money?

Jesus says His disciples must abide (make their home) in Him and His Word.


Empowered Life: Created and Redeemed by Christ

Empowered Life: Created and Redeemed by Christ

Are you His twice over?

Those created and redeemed by Christ live empowered lives with the reasonable response of living as living sacrifices for Him each day.


A Call to Persevere: Unyielding Grit, His Empowering Grace

A Call to Persevere: Unyielding Grit, His Empowering Grace

Are you overwhelmed by your situations, feel like quitting, giving up? Wondering if it is even worth it?

Jeremiah encourages us to persevere against the odds.


A Fruitful and Anchored Life: Enriched by Living Waters

A Fruitful and Anchored Life: Enriched by Living Waters

Where are you anchored? Firm in the soil of God’s Word, or easily swayed by the cares of the world? The Psalmist urges us to be rooted by the living waters


‘Why Me Lord?’: Cultivating Trust and Resilience in Every Season

‘Why Me Lord?’: Cultivating Trust and Resilience in Every Season

Do I question God only in the storm, or also amid the sunshine? Is it out of defiance or humility?

Job’s wisdom reminds us that our outlook on challenges and blessings, have transformative power in navigating every season.


Not Easy, Not Fair and Yet: Transforming Pain into Faith

Not Easy, Not Fair and Yet: Transforming Pain into Faith

When faced with overwhelming situations, betrayal unfairness, what is your coping mechanism? Crumble? Bitter?
David’s spiritual resilience finds strength in Him

Going the Extra Mile: Embracing Service and Diligence in Christ

Going the Extra Mile: Embracing Service and Diligence in Christ

What keeps you from embracing humble service in your own life? Rebekah’s story vividly showcases the transformative strength of selfless service and dedication.


Willing Surrender: A Matter of Faithful Choices

Willing Surrender: A Matter of Faithful Choices

Feeling overwhelmed? Small actions can create an immense impact. Embrace the power of surrendering your seemingly insignificant little into His Almighty hands.


Sink or Walk: Strengthening Faith Amid Life’s Storms

Sink or Walk: Strengthening Faith Amid Life’s Storms

Are you overwhelmed, mind clouded with the storms of life? Have fear and doubt replaced your faith? Peter walked the waters when his eyes were fixed on the Lord


Only When: Power of Embracing Faith Over Logic

Only When: Power of Embracing Faith Over Logic

Have you ever trusted when logic failed? How do you respond when exhausted?

Peter reminds us we can trust Jesus even against our instincts and experience.

#FaithOverLogic #TrustInJesus #DivineEncounters #ExhaustionAndFaith #TrustBeyondExperience #SpiritualJourney #FaithInAction #EmbracingDivineGuidance

Choose to Remember: The Powerful Impact of Memory on Faith

Choose to Remember: The Powerful Impact of Memory on Faith

Ever wondered about the power of memory in shaping your faith journey? The psalmist cautions us of the importance and impact of what we choose to remember.


A Rebellious Heart: Uncover Hidden Rivals to Devotion to God

A Rebellious Heart: Uncover Hidden Rivals to Devotion to God

Are you rebelling against God today? What are the unseen ‘altars’ competing for your attention – career, relationships, pursuit of money, power? Prioritize God!


Depart to Stay Aligned: Spending Time with the Father

Depart to Stay Aligned: Spending Time with the Father

What steals your moments with God? Busy schedules? Self-assurance? Jesus as the Son of God, prioritized time for prayer. How much more do you and I need to do?

#SolitudeInPrayer #GodsPerfectWill #PrioritizeTimeWithGod #DivineGuidance #ReflectionAndRealignment #RealigningPriorities

Yielded and Confident in the Chain-Breaker

Yielded and Confident in the Chain-Breaker

Ever felt overwhelmed by mistakes, questioning your worth? Prophet Micah’s wisdom guides our response and fosters confidence amidst our repeated failures.#FaithJourney #SurrenderedFaith #FindingConfidence #DivineGrace #ReflectiveFaith #RenewedByGrace #ChristianDevotion #SpiritualResilience #Micah

When My Head is Bowed: Embracing Faith through Unfairness

When My Head is Bowed: Embracing Faith through Unfairness

Questions about suffering? Life is not fair? Suffering and a good God?

Joseph knew unfairness well. Yet, his faith, resilience have much to teach us even today

#ResilienceInAdversity #FaithAmidTrials #LessonsFromJoseph #TrustInHardship #FindingPurpose #OvercomingInjustice #StrengthInStruggle #FaithfulResilience #innerstrength

Authentic Prayer – Privilege, Not Performance

Authentic Prayer – Privilege, Not Performance

Who is your focus when you pray? Yourself, people around, or God? Jesus reminds us that God is more interested in our hearts than our words.

Trusting God in the Midst of Questions

Trusting God in the Midst of Questions

Ever wondered why God appears silent in the midst of chaos? Hesitant to ask questions, fearing they might be impertinent? Habakkuk has timeless wisdom to share.


Conquering Giants with David’s Mighty Battle Cry of Faith

Conquering Giants with David’s Mighty Battle Cry of Faith

In the face of various challenges, do you find yourself overwhelmed and fearful? David reminds us that our God stands ever-ready to fight our battles.

#1 Samuel

Walking by Faith: Own Your Promises

Walking by Faith: Own Your Promises

The Lord had an interesting conversation with Abram, after Lot and he parted ways. There are some rich truths there that are relevant for us even today


When Fear Strikes – CPR for a Believer

When Fear Strikes – CPR for a Believer

Feeling overwhelmed by life’s battles? Ever wonder how to respond to challenging times with resilience? Jehoshaphat reminds us to confront fear with faith


Gleaning Through the Seasons of Life

Gleaning Through the Seasons of Life

How is your daily devotion time with the Word? Are you actively learning and applying HIs truth daily?

Ruth worked hard daily, gleaning in the fields of Boaz.


An Ongoing Process: A Repentant Heart Leads to Renewal

An Ongoing Process: A Repentant Heart Leads to Renewal

How do you typically respond when the Holy Spirit convicts you of wrongdoing? Blame? Make excuses? Justify?

David was quick to agree with God about his sin.


I Choose: Symphony of Faith and Gratitude

I Choose: Symphony of Faith and Gratitude

From the time we wake up each day, we make choices – small, mundane, big, life-changing. May the words of this poem resonate with our prayer to choose Him daily.


On Whom Are You Leaning?: Trust in Him

On Whom Are You Leaning?: Trust in Him

What keeps you from trusting God completely today? Do you feel God does not understand or care? Or just that you can manage? There is wisdom in leaning on Him


Disciple’s Agenda: Navigating Life by Aligning with God’s Plan

Disciple’s Agenda: Navigating Life by Aligning with God’s Plan

A disciple is one who follows a teacher. A Christian disciple's agenda is aligning will with God's plan. Luke 9:23Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. Peter has just made his...

Swimming Upstream: A Call to Faith and Obedience

Swimming Upstream: A Call to Faith and Obedience

Moses called the Israelites to make a choice between life and death, to choose life and faith. We have a similar choice to make today. What is your response?


Come Away With Me: Embracing Time Alone with God

Come Away With Me: Embracing Time Alone with God

Do you find yourself busy and overwhelmed by the demands of life? Jesus invites us to come away with Him, to a quiet place, to rest in Him. Would you?


For Perspective, For Context

For Perspective, For Context

When you face loneliness, confusion, unsure of what to do next, what do you do? May the words of this poem remind us to turn to Him, in every context.

#Faith #Perspective #ChristianPoetry #WhispersOfTheSoul #Guidance

Renewing Your Mind: Breaking Free From Worldly Patterns

Renewing Your Mind: Breaking Free From Worldly Patterns

Are there specific areas or habits in my life that are hindering my spiritual growth and transformation? Paul encourages us not to conform, but be transformed


From Despair to Faith: A Biblical Approach to Stress Reduction

From Despair to Faith: A Biblical Approach to Stress Reduction

When confronted with times of despair or stress, how do you respond? The psalmist sets an example for us in the way he counsels his heart


My Timing? My Way? Thankfully No!

My Timing? My Way? Thankfully No!

Have there been times you have questioned God’s timing or methods? Habakkuk learnt to trust God’s timing and ways, would you?


Finding Refuge in a Chaotic World

Finding Refuge in a Chaotic World

How do you personally react to the chaos and challenges around you? Fear, doubt, anger? The psalmist reminds us to take refuge


Battle Offense: Renewing Your Mind

Battle Offense: Renewing Your Mind

Pause for a moment, take stock of the kind of thoughts that fill your mind. Our thoughts have greater impact than we might realize.


Emergency Drill: When the Battles of Life Loom Large

Emergency Drill: When the Battles of Life Loom Large

When faced with unexpected challenges who or what do you turn to? Jehoshaphat put his emergency drill into action, giving him victory.


Rising Strong: Embracing God’s Grace in Our Weakness

Rising Strong: Embracing God’s Grace in Our Weakness

Do you feel weak, inadequate for the tasks you are called to? God strengthens imperfect vessels for His extraordinary purposes.

Holiness in Today’s World – Unshackled!

Holiness in Today’s World – Unshackled!

In a world where ‘everything is acceptable’ how do you maintain your moral compass? Are you shackled by your past? Jesus alone
can make whole.


You, Not Your Brother – Embracing Your Unique Calling

You, Not Your Brother – Embracing Your Unique Calling

Is there something God is calling you to do and you have been running? Feel ill-equipped, scared, overwhelmed?

Our God calls, and equips, as He did Moses.


More Like You, Lord – Unfinished Heart

More Like You, Lord – Unfinished Heart

Do you long for a closer walk with God? Desire a heartfelt journey of faith and transformation?

May the words of this poem resonate and become your prayer too.


Abraham’s Faith – Right Standing With God: Part 2

Abraham’s Faith – Right Standing With God: Part 2

Do you truly believe God has the power to fulfill His promises? Are you intentional about strengthening your faith?

Abraham fully believed God’s power, promise


Abraham’s Faith – Right Standing With God: Part 1

Abraham’s Faith – Right Standing With God: Part 1

Are you struggling to accept God’s promises because facts seem contrary?

Abraham’s unwavering faith inspires us to overcome doubt and unbelief.


Therapy of Gratitude: A Thankful Heart Keeps Us Humble

Therapy of Gratitude: A Thankful Heart Keeps Us Humble

Would you say you are a grateful person? Do you find it difficult to find things to be grateful for or say thank you?

A grateful heart is a humble heart.


Choosing Joy in the Midst of Trials

Choosing Joy in the Midst of Trials

What do I tend to focus on in life, especially in times of trial?

Paul found his joy in the Lord, would you?


In Quiet Faith We Wait

In Quiet Faith We Wait

How do you respond to times of waiting, are you able to be patient or do you prefer to take things into your own hands?

The word says – wait patiently for Him.

From a Place of Love: Trusting God in Trials

From a Place of Love: Trusting God in Trials

How do you typically respond to challenges and difficulties? Resentful? Discouraged? Doubt God?

Moses pointed the Israelites to God’s love in discipline.


Take Position: A Journey of Surrender

Take Position: A Journey of Surrender

When you have prayed and prayed. When you have done all that you know to do, yet the answer has not come, what do you do? Habakkuk reminds us – take position.

Answering the Call: For A Time Such as This

Answering the Call: For A Time Such as This

Are you in a place where you are avoiding what you know you should be doing? A choice to make? 

Esther rose to the situation, would you?

#DivinePurpose #ForSuchATimeAsThis #AnsweringTheCall #EstherInspiration #MakingADifference
#ObedienceToGod #EmbracingGodsPlan #FaithInAction #GodsTiming

Whispers of Solace: Come Away My Child

Whispers of Solace: Come Away My Child

Are you overwhelmed, worn out, and spent? Just tired and can’t go another step?

Jesus knows, He understands, He calls you – Come Away My Child

#LifeChallenges #FindingBalance #Overwhelmed #SeekingSolace #DivineGuidance #SpiritualStrength #InnerPeace

Undergirded: Great Peace Amidst the Storms

Undergirded: Great Peace Amidst the Storms

Are you facing tough, painful situations, that seem like more than you can bear?

Peace amidst the storms is the portion of all who choose to trust in Him.

#ResilientSpirit #AnchoredInHope #OvercomingChallenges #TrustingHisPlan
#SerenityInChaos #DivineComfort

Messed Up People: A Call to Shine

Messed Up People: A Call to Shine

The world around us is messed up, pain and suffering all around. May we be His beacons of love, HIs hands and feet, in a world plagued by decay and distress.

#LostInCompromise #CallToShine #BeTheLight #EmbraceCompassion #HandsOfLove #WhispersoftheSoul

My Lighthouse

My Lighthouse

When times of pain and loneliness seem to darken your day, choose to fix your eyes on the Lighthouse of your soul!

#HopeInTheDark #FindingStrength #EmbracingHope #FaithOverFear

What in Your Life Needs To Be Undone?

Read: Matthew 18:1-20 Matthew 18:8 - If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. God is holy and calls us to be...

Where Can We Find Comfort in Troubled Times?

Where Can We Find Comfort in Troubled Times?

Our God is a God of compassion, He cares deeply and is concerned for you and me. He wants to give you comfort. However, in times of difficulty and hardship we may find it difficult to remember this.

10: Choose to Wrestle

10: Choose to Wrestle

Ephesians 6:12 - For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Paul simply announces spiritual warfare as a fact....

09: More Than Conquerors

09: More Than Conquerors

Ephesians 6:11 - Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. To put on the whole armor of God is to apply all of the Gospel to all of our life. Christ secured our victory in spiritual warfare on the cross...

08: Strengthened not Sapped

08: Strengthened not Sapped

Ephesians 6:10 - Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.  Paul reminds his readers that every Christian is engaged in spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is to stand against the devil and face the forces of evil and darkness....

05: No Matter What

05: No Matter What

Romans 8:37 - Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. The security of the believer is God’s love. Satan is our adversary and sends all kinds of life-defeating, joy-stealing attacks to threaten the faith and well-being of God’s...

04: A Servant’s Confidence

04: A Servant’s Confidence

Isaiah 54:17 - No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,” says the Lord. This is no blanket promise for...

01: Take Up and Stand

01: Take Up and Stand

James 4:7 -Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. To resist the devil is imperative, not a choice. The devil is to be resisted. The Bible in 1 Peter 5:8 reminds us that our adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking...

Complete Dependence, Constant Connection

Complete Dependence, Constant Connection

John 15:1-2 - I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. A disciple bears fruit for Christ.  God repeatedly used a vine...

Resting, Gratefully

Resting, Gratefully

Romans 8:35-39 - Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written: “For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the...

A Guarded Heart

A Guarded Heart

Philippians 4:6-7 - Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. A...

For Everyone Ever Born

For Everyone Ever Born

John 20:1 (NIV) - Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. He is risen He is risen indeed Breaking forever the chains of hell He is risen He is risen indeed...

Worship and Gratitude

Worship and Gratitude

Ephesians 5:18 - 20 - And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to...

Day 14: From Gallery to One

Victorious Christian Living Lord the opinions of our family and friends take way more importance than they should. As a result, we are so caught up in ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ and ‘playing to the gallery’ Lord, that we are caught up in the never-ending...

Day 13: From Entitled to Rights Surrendered

Victorious Christian Living Lord we often are so full of ourselves, our rights, and our entitlement. We are proud and focused on ourselves, our interests, our needs, our wants. We don’t mind blaming others when we feel threatened or to make ourselves look good. We...

Day 12: From Prayerless to Prayerful

Victorious Christian Living Lord, we confess that we don’t pray enough. You have commanded us to pray in all situations, but we don’t. Sometimes we pray superficially. Other times we don’t pray because we feel it is too small or insignificant for a mighty God...

Day 11: From Fearful to Secure

Victorious Christian Living Lord, we are so caught up in our own fear and insecurity that we forget who we are or whose we are. Each day and its challenges often leave us feeling so inadequate, anxious, and stressed about almost everything, causing major impact on our...

Day 10: From Unbelief to Unswerving Faith

Victorious Christian Living Unbelief, doubt, and worry plague our minds constantly Lord, and reflect in how we respond to life situations, day in and day out. We don’t take you at your word Lord, or live confidently each day, by the many promises in your word. We...

Day 9: From Busy to Important

Victorious Christian Living Lord, we are so guilty of getting caught up in the busyness of life and losing focus of what really matters. We are busy doing life and keeping up with all its demands, that we don’t make time for you. In our busyness, we don’t...

Day 8: From Disappointment to Peace

Victorious Christian Living Lord, disappointments, discouragements are very real and we experience them almost every day. We are disappointed with our situations, with ourselves, the people in our lives and the list can go on. In our disappointment we tend to believe...

Day 7: From Bitterness to Remembrance

Victorious Christian Living Lord we confess that we have been bitter when we don’t seem to be getting answers for things we have prayed and we have prayed for, may be for even years on end. We are quick to to doubt your goodness and we do not trust your...

Day 6: From Making Excuses to Repentance

Victorious Christian Living Lord forgive us for times when we excuse our actions, not taking responsibility for our wrongful behaviour. For times Lord when we are quick to hide our wrongful words and actions behind – ‘I behaved this way because they did this, said...

Day 5: From Complaining to Contentment

Victorious Christian Living So often Lord we are unhappy with our situations and tend to compare and complain. We are quick to be bitter and to murmur. We are so focused on the ‘grass that is greener on the other side’ that we forget to see or appreciate what you...

Day 4: From Controlling to Liberating Faith

Victorious Christian Living Lord so often in our fear or pride, we tend to try and control our circumstances and the people around us. We are so bent on having our own way. We want to be in control of every detail, big and small. We have failed to seek your will or...

Day 3: From Rebellion to Surrender

Victorious Christian Living Lord we are sinful and our hearts are inclined to rebel. We have rebelled against you in so many ways, in our actions and our thoughts. We have rebelled when we have not remembered the abundance of your mercies and goodness to us, when we...

Day 2: From Complacency to Passionate Zeal

Victorious Christian Living Lord as we look back we confess that we have been complacent many a time. We have taken you and your amazing love for granted, We have so easily forgotten the unexplainable price you paid for each of us, when you chose to come down to earth...

Day 1: Grateful and Renewed Commitment

Victorious Christian Living Lord as we look back on the year gone by, with its many challenges, fears, and pain, we are grateful! We are grateful Lord to be alive when many loved ones have been called home. We are grateful for the many ways you have provided and...

Prepare for Victorious Christian Living

Victorious Christian Living Making resolutions at the beginning of the year is common practice. At the beginning of the year, many of us make resolves and resolutions of various kinds, to bring change with regard to our health, time, finances, or even relationships....

Part 4: Incredible Gift

Part 4: Incredible Gift

Advent: Who is He in Yonder Stall? John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. As we continue to ponder Who is He in Yonder Stall, we remember what All...

Part 3: Faithful One

Part 3: Faithful One

Advent: Who is He in Yonder Stall? Deuteronomy 7:9 - Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments; As we consider the question - Who is He...

Part 2 – Promise-Keeper

Part 2 – Promise-Keeper

Advent: Who is He in Yonder Stall? Genesis 3:15 - And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.” As we continue in this series – ‘Who is He in Yonder Stall’ and...

Part 1: All Heavens Declare

Part 1: All Heavens Declare

Advent: Who is He in Yonder Stall? Psalm 19:1-3The heavens declare the glory of God;And the firmament shows His handiwork.2 Day unto day utters speech,And night unto night reveals knowledge.3 There is no speech nor...

Who is He in Yonder Stall?

Who is He in Yonder Stall?

Advent: Who is He in Yonder Stall? We are here again, at the threshold of yet another season of Advent. And yet, this may be a season way different from earlier years. The year past has been one of many challenges for all of us, a time of great personal loss of loved...

Part 10 – First Response

Part 10 – First Response

Series: Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:18-20 - Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints We have looked closely at the different parts of the armor of...

Part 9 – Fight, in Him-Confidence

Part 9 – Fight, in Him-Confidence

Series: Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:17b - The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. In all of the armor of God, we are provided with but one weapon of offense: the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, the Bible. The sword, the Bible, is the...

Part 8 – Essential Protection

Part 8 – Essential Protection

Series: Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:17a - And take the helmet of salvation,  In the ancient world, the helmet usually was a leather cap studded with metal for extra strength. Often some kind of plume or decoration was added, perhaps to identify the solider...

Part 7 – Take Up, Hold Up

Part 7 – Take Up, Hold Up

Ephesians 6:16 - above all, taking the shield of faith with which, you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.  The fourth piece of armor Paul discusses in Ephesians 6 is the shield of faith. In ancient warfare, arrows on fire were...

Part 6 – Marching Orders

Part 6 – Marching Orders

Series: Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:15 - and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Shoes, like the belt, may initially seem superfluous in a discussion about spiritual armor, but shoes are essential part of a soldier’s preparation for...

Part 5 – Through Christ Alone

Part 5 – Through Christ Alone

Series: Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:14b - Having put on the breastplate of righteousness:  Paul recognizes the important need to have our spiritual vitals covered in righteousness.  The Roman soldier’s breastplate could be metal, adhering to the shape of...

Part 4 – Battle Ready

Part 4 – Battle Ready

Series: Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:14a - Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth Strictly, the belt is not part of the armor.  And yet, the belt was no mere adornment of the Roman soldier, but an essential part of his equipment. The belt played a...

Part 3 – The Real Enemy

Part 3 – The Real Enemy

Series: Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:12-13 - For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the...

Part 2 – Call to Action

Part 2 – Call to Action

Series: Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:11 - Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  As Paul finishes his letter to the Ephesians, he thinks of the greatest struggle that is before them and wants to prepare...

Part 1 – Increasing Strength

Part 1 – Increasing Strength

Series: Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:10 - Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.  Having carefully established our place in Jesus and the basics of our Christian faith, Paul now says, finally, my brethren. Paul has established...

The Battle Is Not Yours

The Battle Is Not Yours

2 Chronicles 20:15 (NIV) - ...This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. When battles of life overwhelm you And each day brings challenges anew When the pain and...

Part 8: Fix Your Eyes

Part 8: Fix Your Eyes

Series: Daily Christian Living Matthew 5:10-12 - Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for...

Part 7:Bridge Builders

Part 7:Bridge Builders

Series: Daily Christian Living Matthew 5:9 - Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Peace refers to freedom from disturbance. It means tranquillity. The Lord is saying to His disciples, there is a blessing for those who are...

Part 6: Cleansed and Focused

Part 6: Cleansed and Focused

Series: Daily Christian Living Matthew 5:8 - Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. The Lord here is talking about purity of the heart. Jesus came into the world to purify our dirty hearts. He reminds the disciples, it is not enough to have...

Part 5: Compelled by Mercy

Part 5: Compelled by Mercy

Series: Daily Christian Living Matthew 5:7 – Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. The Lord now moves to the next Beatitude of being merciful. Mercy is to have compassion or kindness that makes you forgive someone, usually someone you have authority...

Part 4: Starved and Parched

Part 4: Starved and Parched

Series: Daily Christian Living Matthew 5:6 - Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Moving to the next of the Beatitudes, the Lord says those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, will be filled. Righteousness is...

Part 3: Calm and Resting

Part 3: Calm and Resting

Series: Daily Christian Living Matthew 5:5 - Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. We now come to the third of the Beatitudes, meekness. The Easton Bible Dictionary defines meekness to be of a calm temper of mind, not easily provoked. Meekness is the...

Part 2: Heartbroken

Part 2: Heartbroken

Series: Daily Christian Living Matthew 5:4 - Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Moving on now to the next blessing that goes with living daily as followers of Christ. What does it mean to mourn? And what does one mourn over? To mourn is to...

Part 1: Poverty-Stricken

Part 1: Poverty-Stricken

Series: Daily Christian Living Matthew 5:3 - “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. These teachings begin with and repeat the word ‘blessed.’ There are blessings for those who have these attributes that Christ describes in His...

Introduction: Daily Christian Living

Introduction: Daily Christian Living

Series: Daily Christian Living We here begin a series on this passage in the gospel of Matthew 5, famously known as the Beatitudes. We will look together in the coming weeks at this section of Jesus’ teaching the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 5 begins by saying,...

Choose to Stand

Choose to Stand

Isaiah 43:17-18 - “Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? Lord as into this new year I stepMy heart is heavy, my feet are cold.I, Lord, tend to worry and to...

Relentless Amazing Love

Relentless Amazing Love

Isaiah 7:14 - Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel. Relentless amazing loveBrought my Lord and KingMaker of all the universeTo earth, as mere man, to...

More Than Able

More Than Able

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. As we look around and are often overwhelmed by all that is happening, the Word of God reminds us...

Master the Tempest is Raging!

Master the Tempest is Raging!

Mark 4:37-40A great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” He woke up...

What Do You Seek?

What Do You Seek?

What are you seeking today? What is keeping you busy and your days full? The Bible says, seek Him and His Kingdom first.

#SeekingTheKingdom #FindingPeaceandJoy #GuidedbyHisPresence #SeekGodFirst #BiblePromises

Look Away to Look

Look Away to Look

Psalm 123:2 (NIV) - As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a female slave look to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the LORD our God, till he shows us his mercy. Look unto Jesus Expecting Him, you to save, heal and protect...

Emergency Drill

Emergency Drill

2 Chronicles 20:3 (AMP) - 3 Then Jehoshaphat was afraid and set himself [determinedly, as his vital need] to seek the Lord; and he proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. Emergency drills are a mandatory part of every organization’s quality standard requirement....

You are Valued and Worth a Stop: Voice, Not Noise

You are Valued and Worth a Stop: Voice, Not Noise

Do you feel overlooked, rejected, unheard, unimportant, seeking a breakthrough? Our God cares to stop, listen to our cry. He knows your name, hears your voice.

ValuedByGod #VoiceNotNoise #GodsLoveForAll #PersistentFaith

I stand amazed

I stand amazed

And here we are Yet another Christmas Yet another time to celebrate Yet another season to rejoice Because He came, leaving all above His glory splendor his power To become like you and me He was born in a manger Where ox and ass kept Him company Wrapped in swaddling...

I AM the Bread Of Life

I AM the Bread Of Life

John 6:35 (NIV) Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. I AM says the Lord I AM the Bread of life I AM the only One who can feed you The only One who can satisfy...

On His Behalf

On His Behalf

Genesis 1:26 (NIV) - Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the...

Idol Worship Anybody?

Idol Worship Anybody?

John 3:14-15 (NIV) - Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,15 that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.” If someone were to ask you today You an idol worshipper, what would you say? No way! would...

Just Trust Me

Just Trust Me

Matthew 6:25-27 (NIV) - “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or...

I AM The True Vine

I AM The True Vine

John 15:1-2 (NIV) - “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, so that it will be even more fruitful. I AM says the Lord I AM the True Vine I AM...

Love Means Action

Love Means Action

1 John 3:18 (NIV) - Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. Love is not an emotion Rather, actual intentional action Love sometimes means a tough choice When your heart says otherwise Love is to let go, even though All you...

Humbly Recieve

Humbly Recieve

John 19:30  (NIV) - When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. Even as I look at the cross And the pain for me you bore My mind cannot even grasp The amazing love at its core My heart is...

You Are Coming Lord

You Are Coming Lord

Matthew 24:30-31 (NIV) - Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet...

True Fast

True Fast

Isaiah 58:6 (NIV) Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: True fast says the Lord Is when we show love toward, Those around, and not exploit But to Him, thru our lives point True fast says the Lord Is when we show love toward Those around and not let strife Be...

The Rock That is Higher Than I

The Rock That is Higher Than I

When I am overwhelmed, sheer exhausted

And the day seems full of pain

Then Lord then, lead me

To the Rock that is higher than I



Deuteronomy 15:15 (NIV) - Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and the Lord your God redeemed you.   When life is tough And you are confused When you feel you’re done And just cannot move on When you simply cannot find A single reason to smile Remember...

True Rest

True Rest

Isaiah 30:15 (NIV) - This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.   To find rest When life is so stressed The air so filled...

Abundant Grace Of God

Abundant Grace Of God

Romans 2:4 (NIV) - Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance? It is but a matter of choice What each one does with his or her life The straight and...

A New Year Prayer

A New Year Prayer

Lord as into this New Year I stepThis my prayer this my requestGive me joy Lord, Give me loveThat to a watching worldI would live to show, the beautyOf a life that in You is found! Lord as into this New Year I stepNo clue have I of what to expectOf what the joys or...