1 Corinthians 15:58 – Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
In the earlier verses, Paul brilliantly links together the ideas of sin, death, and our identification with Jesus’ death and resurrection.
For those who are not in Jesus Christ, death still has its sting, but for those who live through Christ, death is defeated. Paul triumphantly declares that death is swallowed up in victory and death is defeated by resurrection. Resurrection is the imminent new order of life for those who die in Christ. Because we know death is defeated and resurrection and eternal life with Christ are ours, we should stand firm and work hard in everything we do now.
We are to be full of work for the Lord. We are to work hard and not waver, change direction, or quit. We keep at it, whether people discount our labor or do not appreciate or encourage what we do. Our purpose and hope are in the Lord who will show His remembrance of our work and labor of love at the resurrection (Hebrews 6:10).
What is stopping you from working hard for the Lord? Would you bring to Him in prayer, the distractions and challenges that keep you from being consistent in working hard and faithfully for Him?
Lord help me not be discouraged but to persevere in my work for you.