Acts 25:25 – I found he had done nothing deserving of death, but because he made his appeal to the Emperor I decided to send him to Rome.
Paul now has his next opportunity. He is brought before King Agrippa and Bernice. Agrippa was known to be an expert on Jewish customs and religious matters and so his hearing of Paul’s case would be helpful for Festus.
King Agrippa came from the line of the infamous Herods. His great grandfather had tried to kill baby Jesus; his grandfather had John the Baptist beheaded, his father had killed the first apostle, James. Now Paul stood in front of the next in line of the Herods, Herod Agrippa II. Agrippa was powerful and his presence brought many great leaders visiting from Caesarea and beyond too.
At Festus’ command Paul was brought into this august company of important and powerful people. Though all these were important people, Paul had an authority and dignity greater than any of those present.
Everyone, including Festus, knew that Paul had done no wrong worthy of punishment. And yet, here was Paul, at yet another hearing. This hearing presented Paul with the unique occasion to testify to this rare group of important people, giving him a very wide area of influence for the Gospel.
What an amazing God! The Lord, the Grand Weaver, ever so beautifully weaves even the tough situations of life to work out His grand kingdom purposes. He is able to use the mess and challenges of our lives for His glory.
Would you trust the Lord to work something beautiful out of even the tough situations of your life?