Kingdom of Love: The Invitation is Open

Published on Jun 27, 2024
Category: Devotion | Behold!

Read the Bible in One Year: OT 2 Samuel 1-2, NT Luke 14:1-24

“Then the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.'”

Luke 14:23

Jesus invites us to the Great Banquet.

Jesus tells a powerful parable to illustrate Gods relentless pursuit of His children and His desire to fellowship with us in His Kingdom. A certain man who prepared a great feast for many who were invited, sends out his servants to tell those who had been invited, Come, for everything is ready now.However, the servants were met with excuses. The invited guests gave various reasons from material things to relationships and family.

The master of the feast, angry, offended that his wonderful invitation was met with such foolish excuses, sends out his servants a second time. This time the mandate was to invite the poor, the blind and the lame. The master was determined that some would enjoy the feast he had prepared. So he told the servants to compel them to come. Jesus illustrates God’s desire to fill His house, and the wanderers and outcasts were to convinced that they were welcome, compelled by love.

What is our response to Christs invitation of salvation and the Great Feast?

  • Material possessions: Do we prioritise our material possessions over our time with God and His Word?
  • Busy lives: Are demands of our busy lives, work, and responsibilities drowning out the soft whisper of God’s invitation, causing us to miss out on the peace and rest we can have in Christ?
  • Our relationships: While marriage is a precious gift, we must be cautious not to elevate any relationship above our relationship with God.
  • Fear and Doubt: Like the outcasts and wanderers invited in the parable, we may feel undeserving or unworthy of Gods love and grace, causing us to wonder if we are truly welcome at His table. Gods invitation is open to all, regardless of our past or present circumstances.

Despite our excuses and shortcomings, God’s love remains constant and relentless. The master in the parable didn’t give up when the initial guests declined; he sent out his servants once more to invite the poor, blind, and lame. Similarly, God pursues us with unwavering love, reaching out to us time and time again, inviting us to partake in the richness of His Kingdom.

This parable reminds us of the depth of God’s desire to fellowship with us and the inclusiveness of His invitation. God’s invitation is not just for a select few; it is for all of us. He longs for us to accept His love, grace, and salvation, regardless of our background or circumstances.

May we pause to ponder and recognize the excuses that hinder us from responding to His call. Whether it be our attachment to material possessions, the busyness of life, or fears and doubts, God beckons us to let go of these hindrances and embrace His invitation with open arms. As we surrender our excuses and respond wholeheartedly to His call, may we be compelled by His love to share this invitation with others. Lets remind them that earth has no sorrow that heaven can’t heal


  1. Do the demands of my busy life, work, and responsibilities often drown out the soft whisper of God’s invitation? How can I create intentional moments of rest and quiet to hear His voice more clearly?
  2. In my relationships, including marriage, do I maintain a healthy balance between earthly bonds and my relationship with God? How can I ensure that my love for God deepens my love for others rather than competing with it?
  3. Have I allowed fear and doubt to hold me back from fully accepting God’s invitation of love and grace? How can I embrace the truth that God’s invitation is open to all, regardless of my past or present circumstances?

Scripture Writing: Romans 10:13

Song: Come As You Are

For more daily devotions like this – At the Potter’s Wheel (Kindle)


Preethi Alice Jacob

Preethi Jacob is the author of the yearlong devotional At the Potter’s Wheel, Day by Day. Her journey includes teaching a Bible Study Fellowship class, teaching and leading the Sunday School ministry in her church, leading Bible studies, besides counselling young women. She serves on the Global Mission Team of the United Bible Societies and lives in Bangalore, India with her husband and two young adult children.

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