Acts 24:5-6 – “We have found this man to be a troublemaker, stirring up riots among the Jews all over the world. He is a ringleader of the Nazarene sect 6 and even tried to desecrate the temple; so we seized him.
After all the special escort and the dramatic save, Paul has now reached Caesarea and is produced in the courts of the Governor Felix. The high priest Ananias and some other elders have travelled down to Caesarea and are present too. And in the courts of Felix the accusations begin.
Accusations about Paul that were false and had no basis. Paul was accused of being a troublemaker, one to stir up riots all over the world? A ringleader? Paul is able to clearly and firmly rebut each of these accusations and yet again the Lord grants him favor. The governor Felix was well acquainted with the Way and adjourns the proceedings (v22).
After all that Paul, the greatest missionary ever, had done to spread the Gospel and build the early church, at the end of his life, he only seems to be having more and more trouble and accusations. It must have been so disheartening for Paul. And yet, this is a powerful reminder for all of us even today.
The Christian is not exempt from troubles. In fact, the Lord very clearly said that we will have troubles in this world (John 16:33). Our hope and confidence, however, is in this Lord who has overcome the world.
Are you hurting today because of false accusations and difficult people in your life? You are not alone. Jesus understands. Lean on Him, your Gentle Shepherd, He will make a way for you.
Lord help me lean on You when those around me hurt me, amen.