Our Father: A Relationship of Love and Access

Published on Jun 20, 2024
Category: Devotion | Behold!

Read the Bible in One Year: OT 1 Samuel 17-18, NT Luke 11:1-28

He said to them, When you pray, say: ˜Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come.

Luke 11:2

The Lord of the universe, is our heavenly Father, who loves us and has given us unlimited access to Him.

In this all famous prayer popularly known as the Lords Prayer, Jesus is teaching his disciples to pray. The prayer begins with Our Father. In the era of Jesus, it was radical for Him to say that we could start our prayers by addressing God as “Our Father.” This concept was unheard of to the Jews. While God was considered the Father of their nation, the individual ability to call God “our Father” was unprecedented. The Old Testament contains only a few references to God as Father. However, in the gospels, Jesus uses this term between sixty and seventy times.

This simple yet profound word reveals an extraordinary truth” that we, as children of God, have unrestricted access to the Creator of all things. We don’t require influential connections or elaborate protocols to approach Him. He invites us to come boldly into His presence and pour out our hearts before Him. This is a privilege beyond measure” a privilege we need to grasp and treasure.

Unlimited Access to the King: When we can call Him our Father, we have unlimited access to the mighty King and Ruler of the universe. In earthly terms, gaining access to someone of great authority can be challenging, if not impossible. Yet, when we approach the throne room of God, we have immediate and continuous access. In every circumstance and situation, we can cry out to Him because He is our Father. We don’t need to rely on influential connections or elaborate protocols. Our Father invites us to come boldly into His presence, knowing that He hears and responds to our cries.

Embracing Dependency: When we say “Our Father,” we acknowledge that we are not independent beings; we are created beings, and God is our source. Addressing God as Father is a recognition that we derive our life from Him. Just as a father is the beginning and fountainhead of a field or study, God is the Father of all creation. Every breath we take is sustained by Him. As we pray, we recognize our dependence on Him and our need for His provision and guidance. Addressing God as Father is a reminder that we are dependent on Him for our very life.

Experiencing Intimacy: “Our Father” speaks of an intimate relationship with God a reference to the nearness we can have with Him as His children. It is an invitation to approach God with confidence, knowing that we are not praying to a distant deity but to someone who desires an intimate relationship with us. God delights in us, knows what is best for us, and is willing and able to protect, provide, and pardon us. As we pray, let us seek to experience the nearness and intimacy that come from approaching our Heavenly Father.

Our prayers are not directed to a stranger or an indifferent deity. We draw near to the One who desires an intimate relationship with us. God, as our Father, delights in us, knows what is best for us, and is willing and able to protect, provide, and pardon us. The love and care He extends to us as His children exceed our understanding. It is a love that surpasses any earthly father’s love, for it is perfect and unchanging.

Prayer is not a mere method or formula” it is a relationship. Those who have this relationship with the Heavenly Father can approach Him as children who are known and loved. Unfortunately, often we find ourselves reciting words without truly experiencing the nearness of God. God calls us to recognize prayer as an intimate interaction, approaching Him as someone we are deeply related to.

Reflecting on the fatherhood of God, we may draw upon our own experiences with earthly fathers. Though imperfect, they can offer glimpses of what a good father looks like. Whether our earthly fathers have been a source of love and guidance or not, we can find solace and security in knowing that God’s fatherhood surpasses anything we have ever known.

May we cherish the privilege of addressing God as “Our Father” recognising how deep the Father’s love is for us. Let us embrace the truth that we are dependent on Him, that we have an intimate relationship with Him, and that we have unlimited access to the King of the universe. As we pray, may our hearts be filled with awe and gratitude for the boundless love and care our Heavenly Father bestows upon us.


  • Do I truly grasp the intimacy and nearness that is available to me in my relationship with God? How can I cultivate a deeper sense of connection and closeness with Him?
  • Are there any barriers or hindrances in my heart or life that are preventing me from fully embracing and experiencing the depth of God’s fatherly love? How can I surrender those areas to Him and invite Him to transform and heal them?
  • Do I approach prayer as a genuine relationship with God, or does it sometimes become a routine or formula? How can I shift my mindset and engage in prayer with a deeper sense of fellowship and connection?

Scripture Writing: Romans 8:15-16

Song: How Deep the Father’s Love

For more daily devotions like this – At the Potter’s Wheel (Kindle)


Preethi Alice Jacob

Preethi Jacob is the author of the yearlong devotional At the Potter’s Wheel, Day by Day. Her journey includes teaching a Bible Study Fellowship class, teaching and leading the Sunday School ministry in her church, leading Bible studies, besides counselling young women. She serves on the Global Mission Team of the United Bible Societies and lives in Bangalore, India with her husband and two young adult children.

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