Secure in Him: The Power of Forgiveness and Mercy

Published on Jul 9, 2024
Category: Devotion | Behold!

Read the Bible in One Year: OT – 2 Samuel 19-20 NT – Luke 18:1-23

For I your servant know that I have sinned, but today I have come here as the first from the tribes of Joseph to come down and meet my lord the king.

2 Samuel 19:20

Jesus the ultimate example of grace and mercy

During Absalom’s revolt against his father David, David was forced to flee Jerusalem to escape the advancing forces of his rebellious son. As David and his loyal followers were leaving the city, Shimei, from the family of Saul (the former king), came out to curse and berate David. He threw stones at David and his servants, showing disrespect and hostility towards the king (2 Samuel 16:5-8).

Now, as David returns to Jerusalem after his victory over Absalom, Shemei humbles himself before David, seeking forgiveness for his past actions. David had every right to be angry with Shemei, but he spares his life, showing forgiveness to the man who formerly bitterly cursed him. David could readily forgive a man who deserved to die because he was secure, knowing that God gave him the throne. Insecurity, often is a great motivator for revenge and holding on to bitterness. Where does your security lie today?

“Perhaps you have been like Shimei, who cursed king David, and you are afraid that Jesus will never forgive you. But David forgave Shimei, and Jesus is ready to forgive you. He delighteth in mercy. I do believe that the harps of heaven never give to Christ such happiness as he has when he forgives the ungodly, and saith, Thy sins are forgiven; go in peace. (Spurgeon).

Just as David forgave Shimei, Jesus offers forgiveness and restoration to all who come to Him in genuine repentance and faith. No sin is too great for His mercy to cover (Isaiah 1:18). When we confess our sins and turn to Him, He joyfully forgives us and welcomes us into His loving embrace (1 John 1:9). Let us, therefore, approach the throne of grace with confidence, knowing that Jesus delights in showing mercy and granting us peace through the forgiveness of our sins. May we be secure in our identity as children of the King, and be quick to forgive those who wrong us.


  1. Reflect on a time when you experienced the joy of reconciliation after seeking forgiveness from someone. How did this experience strengthen your relationship?
  2. How do you respond to others when they seek forgiveness from you? Do you tend to hold onto grudges or harbor bitterness? How can you cultivate a heart of forgiveness and release any feelings of resentment?
  3. How do you balance justice and forgiveness in your personal relationships? What steps can you take to ensure you uphold both principles in a healthy way?

Scripture Writing: 1 John 1:9

Song: Amazing Grace

For more daily devotions like this At the Potter’s Wheel (Kindle)


Preethi Alice Jacob

Preethi Jacob is the author of the yearlong devotional At the Potter’s Wheel, Day by Day. Her journey includes teaching a Bible Study Fellowship class, teaching and leading the Sunday School ministry in her church, leading Bible studies, besides counselling young women. She serves on the Global Mission Team of the United Bible Societies and lives in Bangalore, India with her husband and two young adult children.

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