Work as Unto the Lord

Published on Nov 26, 2024
Category: Devotion | Behold!

Acts 28:30 – For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him.

Paul has finally reached Rome. He is allowed to live by himself with just a soldier to guard him. He soon enough gathers all the local Jewish leaders and testifies to them, explaining the scriptures and the reason for his hope and faith. Some believe others don’t. After that Paul stayed in Rome two whole years, continuing to welcome all who came to meet him.

Paul had spent two years in the prison in Caesarea, waiting for his trial. Now here he is in Rome, another two years before he is produced before the court of Caesar, probably because of the numerous pending cases. But the two years were not wasted. The Amplified Bible says, Paul stayed two years in Rome, at his own expense and welcomed all who came to him.

Paul was a tentmaker (Acts 18:1-3). He had always worked hard for his own maintenance and set a great example (2 Thessalonians 3:7-10). Being a Christian is sometimes just plain everyday hard work.

Idleness is not godly or becoming of a child of God. We are all called to work hard, using the talents and opportunities God gives us. Our work is to be our best, of high quality, not haphazard or slack. We are to strive to be excellent, for we are called to work with all our hearts, as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:17). Our work is to flow from a driving desire to honour God in and through all that we do and say.

What motivates you to work? Are you giving your best to every task you do?

Lord may I seek to honour You through all my work, amen.


Preethi Alice Jacob

Preethi Jacob is the author of the yearlong devotional At the Potter’s Wheel, Day by Day. Her journey includes teaching a Bible Study Fellowship class, teaching and leading the Sunday School ministry in her church, leading Bible studies, besides counselling young women. She serves on the Global Mission Team of the United Bible Societies and lives in Bangalore, India with her husband and two young adult children.

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