Philippians 2:8 – And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!
A lot can happen in a week, wouldn’t you agree? Journey with me, let’s look, let’s see, what is it that we see this week?
The week begins with joyful crowds that call out loudly,
Children, adults alike, waving palm leaves, heartily,
Declaring “Hosanna to the Son of Davidâ€
“This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galileeâ€
“Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!â€
As the Servant King, rides on a donkey, triumphantly!
A few days further into the week, what do we see?
The very same crowds, beside themselves, vehemently
Cry out “Crucify Him! Crucify Him! ever so loudly,
As they now clamor for a robber instead, angrily.
While the sinless One, accused falsely,
The Passover Lamb, beaten and bruised sorely,
Chooses not to say a word, bears all silently.
The following day what do we see?
The darkest day for humanity in all of history!
On His royal head is thrust a crown of thorns, violently,
They force Him to bear His heavy cross to Calvary
And hammer nails down His hands and feet, mercilessly
The crowds are gone, but for a few standing, silently
As the Redeemer of mankind cries out “it is finished†victoriously!
Three days later, what do we see?
The stone rolled away, an empty tomb, miraculously,
The Son of God who paid the price for our sin, willingly,
Has risen from the dead, eternally,
So that you and I may have life, abundantly.
What a wonderful Savior is He!
What a week, what a priceless journey!
Now, when this loving Lord, the risen Savior looks at you and me, what does He see?
Does He see hearts that love and receive Him, joyfully?
Or do we, His creation, pass by the empty tomb, hastily,
Too busy to ponder what He has done for you and me?
Are we ‘too wise to believe this old story,’ so easily?
Or are some of us those who have heard repeatedly
And so have lost the wonder of this reality, completely?
Are you part of the crowd, not even knowing why?
Are there times you cry Hosanna, and others Crucify?
What, dear friend, does our beautiful Savior and Lord see and hear from you and me?