For Everyone Ever Born

Published on Apr 17, 2022

John 20:1 (NIV) – Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance.

He is risen He is risen indeed
Breaking forever the chains of hell
He is risen He is risen indeed
Eternally silencing death’s cold knell

He died that you and I may live
Though what we deserve is eternal death
He arose because He chose to give
For you and me, His life-giving breath

He died, not to stay in that cold grave
But to rise again on that beautiful morn
Breaking death’s chains forever, to pave
The way to life everlasting, for everyone ever born

And so, it is only our reasonable service
That we give Him our all, laying at His feet
Our repentant lives, which are a-buzz
With His love and forgiveness to all we meet.


Preethi Alice Jacob

Preethi Jacob is the author of the yearlong devotional At the Potter’s Wheel, Day by Day. Her journey includes teaching a Bible Study Fellowship class, teaching and leading the Sunday School ministry in her church, leading Bible studies, besides counselling young women. She serves on the Global Mission Team of the United Bible Societies and lives in Bangalore, India with her husband and two young adult children.

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