Psalm 123:2 (NIV) – As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a female slave look to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the LORD our God, till he shows us his mercy.
Look unto Jesus
Expecting Him, you to save, heal and protect
For it is Christ alone who is able and willing to save
Look unto Jesus
Recognising you need the saving, the rescuing
From eternal death that awaits as penalty for sin that separates
But dear one, to look unto Him, is often not easy
For it needs the realization, that as with one drowning
That you do need the salvation that Christ has wrought
When on the cruel cross of Calvary He did die
Only to rise Victor, over death and grave triumphantly
And thus for you and me, salvation He has brought
Look away
Yes look away dear one, look away
From all your doubts and your fears
Look away
From yourself and all that over you holds sway
And from confidences that you hold dear
For only when you look away from yourself and others
Can you truly look unto Him, the ultimate One who saves
For, He the One, the only One, who can and will you save
From eternal death and everything in between