Following Jesus’ Example of Compassion

Following Jesus’ Example of Compassion

Jesus reached out to everyone, breaking down social barriers. Let’s follow His example and extend compassion to those in need. How can you show compassion today?

Finding Strength in Our Defender

Finding Strength in Our Defender

God is your strength. Stand rooted in your spiritual connection with the true God and remember He is our Way Maker, mighty in battle.

What Actually Matters: Tradition Vs Truth

What Actually Matters: Tradition Vs Truth

In our spiritual journey, let’s be wary of prioritizing man-made traditions over God’s word. Jesus teaches us that authenticity and heart condition matter more than mere appearances.

God’s Response to Rebellion: Aaron’s Rod

God’s Response to Rebellion: Aaron’s Rod

Aaron’s rod not only sprouted but budded, blossomed, and yielded ripe almonds – a miracle only God could perform. Not a small sign, but a vivid display of His approval of Aaron’s leadership.

The Divine Farmer: What is Your Soil?

The Divine Farmer: What is Your Soil?

Let’s connect with fellow believers, encourage each other, and pray for spiritual nourishment. Remember, our God, the Divine Farmer, sows His word to all.