The Great Liberator: Dismissed Over Pigs

Published on Apr 18, 2024
Category: Behold!

Read: Mark 5:1-20

Those who had seen it told the people what had happened to the demon-possessed man and told about the pigs as well. Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region.

Mark 5:16-17

Jesus is the Great Liberator, powerful even over demons.

Jesus displays His authority by restoring a demon-possessed man. This man who had been demon-possessed for a long time lived among the dead and decaying like a sub-human, had supernatural strength, and uncontrollable, self-tormenting, destructive behaviour. But Jesus displays His power over the many demons who had possessed the man, by liberating him and restoring his humanity to him.

The demons knew exactly who Jesus was, they hail Him the ‘Son of God’ and recognized the fact that He had the power to cast them out. They also recognize that they are appointed for final torment, and wonder if Jesus has come to start that final judgment.

Jesus is the Son of God, the Great Liberator, who is triumphant over unclean spirits. He conquers the devil and sets the prisoner free. Jesus ministering in gentile territory reflects the fact that His ministry is going global (Matthew 28:19-20). Jesus delivers and sets free all the people of the world.

For all the power that Jesus displayed in restoring this man, the response of the people was to dismiss this Great Liberator over a herd of pigs! Jesus conquered the devil and set the prisoner free, but that also meant that He took away the livelihood and wealth of some in the community. And that forced a choice, a choice between money and Jesus, between human resources and divine power. The people chose to dismiss Jesus.

That remains a choice that each of us needs to make in our lives today – the power and grace of Jesus to give life and hope or the wealth to be had from the ‘pigs.’ Jesus can free you and me from our prisons of sin, fear, doubt, insecurity, or anything else that holds us captive. The choice is ours. We need to choose between Jesus, the life-giver, devil-defeater, the hope-giver, and the ˜pigs” in our lives.

Have you chosen the Great Liberator, the Chain Breaker?

What is keeping you imprisoned today? Have you dismissed Jesus or His message in favor of something else? What are some of the “pigs” in your life that may be distracting you from following Jesus and experiencing the life and hope that He offers? How are you cultivating a deeper understanding and appreciation of Jesus as the Great Liberator in your life, and how can you share that message with someone else?


Liberate me, Lord, from the thought patterns and habits that keep me Imprisoned, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Scripture Writing: John 8:36

Song: Chain Breaker

For more daily devotions like this – At the Potter’s Wheel (Kindle)


Preethi Alice Jacob

Preethi Jacob is the author of the yearlong devotional At the Potter’s Wheel, Day by Day. Her journey includes teaching a Bible Study Fellowship class, teaching and leading the Sunday School ministry in her church, leading Bible studies, besides counselling young women. She serves on the Global Mission Team of the United Bible Societies and lives in Bangalore, India with her husband and two young adult children.

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