
The Disciple’s Challenge: Choosing Christ Above All Else

The Disciple’s Challenge: Choosing Christ Above All Else

Who cannot be a disciple of Jesus? what disqualifies us? What does a relationship with Jesus look like?

Jesus reminds us it is all a matter of our choices.


A Fruitful and Anchored Life: Enriched by Living Waters

A Fruitful and Anchored Life: Enriched by Living Waters

Where are you anchored? Firm in the soil of God’s Word, or easily swayed by the cares of the world? The Psalmist urges us to be rooted by the living waters


‘Why Me Lord?’: Cultivating Trust and Resilience in Every Season

‘Why Me Lord?’: Cultivating Trust and Resilience in Every Season

Do I question God only in the storm, or also amid the sunshine? Is it out of defiance or humility?

Job’s wisdom reminds us that our outlook on challenges and blessings, have transformative power in navigating every season.


A Rebellious Heart: Uncover Hidden Rivals to Devotion to God

A Rebellious Heart: Uncover Hidden Rivals to Devotion to God

Are you rebelling against God today? What are the unseen ‘altars’ competing for your attention – career, relationships, pursuit of money, power? Prioritize God!


Yielded and Confident in the Chain-Breaker

Yielded and Confident in the Chain-Breaker

Ever felt overwhelmed by mistakes, questioning your worth? Prophet Micah’s wisdom guides our response and fosters confidence amidst our repeated failures.#FaithJourney #SurrenderedFaith #FindingConfidence #DivineGrace #ReflectiveFaith #RenewedByGrace #ChristianDevotion #SpiritualResilience #Micah

Trusting God in the Midst of Questions

Trusting God in the Midst of Questions

Ever wondered why God appears silent in the midst of chaos? Hesitant to ask questions, fearing they might be impertinent? Habakkuk has timeless wisdom to share.


I Choose: Symphony of Faith and Gratitude

I Choose: Symphony of Faith and Gratitude

From the time we wake up each day, we make choices – small, mundane, big, life-changing. May the words of this poem resonate with our prayer to choose Him daily.


You, Not Your Brother – Embracing Your Unique Calling

You, Not Your Brother – Embracing Your Unique Calling

Is there something God is calling you to do and you have been running? Feel ill-equipped, scared, overwhelmed?

Our God calls, and equips, as He did Moses.


More Like You, Lord – Unfinished Heart

More Like You, Lord – Unfinished Heart

Do you long for a closer walk with God? Desire a heartfelt journey of faith and transformation?

May the words of this poem resonate and become your prayer too.


Abraham’s Faith – Right Standing With God: Part 2

Abraham’s Faith – Right Standing With God: Part 2

Do you truly believe God has the power to fulfill His promises? Are you intentional about strengthening your faith?

Abraham fully believed God’s power, promise


Abraham’s Faith – Right Standing With God: Part 1

Abraham’s Faith – Right Standing With God: Part 1

Are you struggling to accept God’s promises because facts seem contrary?

Abraham’s unwavering faith inspires us to overcome doubt and unbelief.
