Romans 8:28 – And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
You are my God and my King
My Savior, my everything
When life is good and full of fun
I love you for each good thing
You are my God and my King
My Savior, my everything
When life is tough and I don’t understand
I simply trust You and keep singing
For You are my God and my King
My Savior, my everything
With you Lord, I am never alone
And all things work together for good
Yes even the tough and sometimes bitter
You work so beautifully for good, Lord
For you are my God who, ever is at work
Weaving together a breathtaking tapestry
Through the lives of those who love You
All across the world and throughout history
So, Lord, I choose to trust and love You
As with You, I walk each day
For You are my God and my King
My Savior, my everything
Thanks Preeti ma…
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