sovereignty of God

Can We Trust God in Difficult Times?

Can We Trust God in Difficult Times?

Joseph’s wise preparation for the famine saved his family in Canaan from difficult times, ensuring the eventual birth of Jesus, the Messiah, and the salvation of humanity from sin.

Swimming Upstream: A Call to Faith and Obedience

Swimming Upstream: A Call to Faith and Obedience

Moses called the Israelites to make a choice between life and death, to choose life and faith. We have a similar choice to make today. What is your response?


God’s Purposes will not be Thwarted: Trust Him

God’s Purposes will not be Thwarted: Trust Him

Are you in a season of waiting and uncertainty, questioning God’s plan for your life?

God uses great preparation when the task is great. Trust Him.

#TrustInGod #UnthwartablePurposes #SovereigntyOfGod #AnchorInUncertainty

The All-Knowing God: Trusting in His Omniscience

The All-Knowing God: Trusting in His Omniscience

Are there struggles, fears, or burdens you are hesitant to bring before God? God is all-knowing. He who calls the stars by name knows every detail of your life.

#OmniscientGod #TrustHisWisdom #RestInHisPresence #SovereignGod