Psalm 1:3 – That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither, whatever they do prospers.
What a revitalizing sight! Imagine vibrant, verdant leaves adorning a tree, heavy with the weight of abundant fruit.
The Psalmist paints a vivid comparison, likening humanity to a tree. In this analogy, the tree is strategically planted beside flowing streams of living waters. Its proximity to the waters ensures that its leaves remain perpetually green and lush, never withering. The tree, in turn, yields a bountiful harvest in due season.
Water, the essence of life for a plant, becomes the key to the tree’s thriving existence. Regular watering sustains its vitality. Conversely, a tree deprived of water inevitably wilts and dries up, rendering it barren.
Where are you planted today and what are you taking in? Are you green and bearing much fruit for the Lord or dry and fruitless? Are your roots going deep into the living waters of His Word each day? Do worldly cares and worries choke you? Is fear gripping your roots as you witness atrocious happenings, overshadowing the truths of His Word?
The more the challenges of the world and difficult situations around us, the more we need Him and His Word. Choose today to believe Him, to be rooted in His Word. Send your roots deep into His Word each day. Then like the psalmist said, you would be like the tree planted by the waters, lush and green, bearing much fruit, being a blessing to many.
Father, that I would be a tree that is firmly planted in Your Word, bearing much fruit for You.
Aroma Sensei There is definately a lot to find out about this subject. I like all the points you made
God bless