The Lord said to Moses, “Give this command to the Israelites and say to them: ‘Make sure that you present to me at the appointed time my food offerings, as an aroma pleasing to me.’ – Numbers 28:1-2
The second census was taken. | WATCH ON YOUTUBE
This second census replaced the first census. Only three names remained from the first census, Caleb, Joshua, and Moses. The Lord had said that all who disbelieved the report of Caleb and Joshua would die in the desert. And they did. Unbelief and disobedience have very serious consequences.
Generations had changed, their wanderings were over. But the way to approach God had not changed. The offerings, feast, and vows were at the very heart of the Israelites’ religious practices. These offerings would continually remind the people of who they were and who God is. Their continual reminder to respond in enormous gratitude to the Lord for all that He had done for them.
Reading the endless repetitions of the sacrifices should cause us to rejoice in Jesus Christ and His triumphant cry from the cross, “it is finished.” The blood of Christ has put an end to the endless sacrifices. We no more need to offer sacrifices. Jesus Christ provided the one perfect sacrifice, once and for all. And today, all we need to do is to believe in Jesus Christ, His finished work on the cross and we will be saved.
Our circumstances may change but the nature of our sins does not change. Our need for a Saviour and Redeemer does not change nor does the way to salvation. Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. Have you chosen to believe Him?
Who is the one person with whom you will share this truth of the finished work of the cross today?
Lord, fill me with gratitude that compels me to share you with others, I pray.
Extended Reading — Numbers 28-30
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