At The Potters Wheel

In Your Stead (Leviticus 1:1-2)                                           SALVATION

In Your Stead (Leviticus 1:1-2) SALVATION

If we accept Him as our Saviour, we don’t have to pay the rightful penalty for our sin, which is death. Have you chosen to accept this amazing offer of life and salvation?

A Price to Pay (Exodus 32:1-35)                                  COMMITMENT

A Price to Pay (Exodus 32:1-35) COMMITMENT

You and I are called to choose Christ in the small and big happenings of life, among family, friends and in the marketplace. And that could sometimes come with a heavy price.

Priestly Duties (Exodus 28:15-30)                                         PRAYER

Priestly Duties (Exodus 28:15-30) PRAYER

We are to be diligent to intercede on behalf of others and our words and actions are to be motivated by His love. 
How can you pray more diligently for those around you?

Privileged to Give (Exodus 25:1-9)                                         GIVING

Privileged to Give (Exodus 25:1-9) GIVING

2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 

The Last Plague (Exodus 12:1-30)                                  SALVATION

The Last Plague (Exodus 12:1-30) SALVATION

As John 1:12 says, yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God. Have you believed in the Lord Jesus?

A Pharaoh in You (Exodus 9:13-35)                                          FAITH

A Pharaoh in You (Exodus 9:13-35) FAITH

The health, the resources, the talents and the abilities that we have, are all gifts and miracles from the Lord. And yet, when faced with challenges in life, we don’t believe. We worry, complain and whine. 

When Confused (Exodus 5:22-23)                                          PRAYER

When Confused (Exodus 5:22-23) PRAYER

There may be times when we are confused and have questions too. Let us come to Him, as Moses did, from a place of humility and with a heart willing to listen and obey.

No One But You Will Do (Exodus 3:1-22)                         CALLING

No One But You Will Do (Exodus 3:1-22) CALLING

God does not just call but also equips, with His presence and His guidance. We just need to obey. If God is calling you, would you say, “Yes Lord,” today, in humble trust and obedience?

Are You Running? (Genesis 28:10-22)                        FAITH WALK

Are You Running? (Genesis 28:10-22) FAITH WALK

He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He remains the same loving God, who promises to be with us, provide for us, and never leave us nor forsake us. He calls you to run to Him with all your needs and problems. Is this God your God?

Your Bowl of Soup (Genesis 25:27-34)                                  CHOICES

Your Bowl of Soup (Genesis 25:27-34) CHOICES

Are you addicted to the various screens of your phone, television, computer, etc. to the exclusion of your family time? Are there unhealthy relationships in your life that are ruining your home? What is your ‘bowl of soup’ today?

Not to Return (Genesis 24:1-9)                                  TEMPTATION

Not to Return (Genesis 24:1-9) TEMPTATION

Is there some such place that God is telling you not to return to? A place where you could be tempted to sin or go back to your old ways? Maybe an old habit or addiction? Or to stay away from some friends who could lead you back to your old ways?

Where Are You Headed Today? (Genesis 19:1-29)       CHOICES

Where Are You Headed Today? (Genesis 19:1-29) CHOICES

From the time you chose to wake up this morning, to the sequence of dressing up and getting to the tasks for the day, all are choices that have consequences. How much more the bigger choices of life. Where have your choices brought you today?

Attention Please (Job 42:1-17)                                                     FAITH

Attention Please (Job 42:1-17) FAITH

Is God trying to draw your attention to Him through a painful situation in your life? Would you, like Job choose to trust Him, even when you don’t always understand?

Spirit Led (Job 35:1-16)                                                                     FAITH

Spirit Led (Job 35:1-16)                   FAITH

The mark of righteous anger is that it is triggered by the belittling of God and not the belittling of ourselves. Elihu though young, was led by the Spirit of God.  
Does your life reflect marks of one being led by the Lord?

Divine Legacy (Genesis 1:1-31)                                             KNOW GOD

Divine Legacy (Genesis 1:1-31) KNOW GOD

You and I are created in God’s image. To be in God’s image is to be like Him. It is to have His nature and reflect His character. It is to live in unity with one another.