To be diligent is to have or show care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties. To do what you do well and thoroughly. Paul urges Timothy to be diligent unto God.Â
Timothy’s aim was not to seek approval from people but from God. His role as a pastor called for faithfulness to God, not participation in a popularity contest. Also, Paul emphasized to Timothy that his work should not bring about shame or embarrassment. The Bible warns Christians that Christ will examine each one’s work at the judgment seat. (2 Corinthians 5:10). Timothy was to work diligently, knowing that his work will one day be examined.Â
A disciple is to be diligent. As disciples, we work to please God, our audience of One. Our work and service are to be thorough, aiming for approval from God, knowing that our work will one day be examined.
Why do you do what you do – is pleasing God truly your aim or is pleasing people the focus? What keeps you seeking approval from those around you? Fear, peer pressure? What would it take to shift your focus from the gallery to One? Would you ask the Lord to help you to choose to please Him each day, and to worship Him throughout your life?