God’s Omniscience Exposes Hypocrisy: Call to Authentic Living

Published on Jun 23, 2024
Category: Behold! | Devotion

Read the Bible in One Year: OT 1 Samuel 22-24, NT Luke 12:1-31

“There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.”

Luke 12:2

God is all knowing and He knows the depths of each heart.

Jesus is addressing a large crowd, including His disciples, warning them about the influence of the Pharisees and the dangers of hypocrisy. He cautions His disciples to be on guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which represents their teachings and influence. Jesus criticizes the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, who were known for their outward displays of righteousness but lacked sincerity in their hearts. The Pharisees, during the time of Jesus, were known for their outward displays of righteousness and religious observance. However, Jesus often pointed out their hypocrisy and revealed their inconsistencies.

External Piety, Internal Corruption: The Pharisees focused on meticulously observing external rituals and religious practices to appear righteous before others, neglecting the more important matters of justice, mercy, and faithfulness (Matthew 23:23).

Pride and Arrogance: The Pharisees tended to exalt themselves and seek recognition from others for their religious devotion. They desired positions of honor and public recognition (Matthew 23:5-7) but lacked humility and a genuine desire to serve others.

Double Standards: The Pharisees often imposed strict rules and regulations on others while exempting themselves from the same standards. They burdened people with heavy religious obligations but were not willing to bear those burdens themselves (Matthew 23:4).

Neglecting the Weightier Matters: The Pharisees were more concerned with religious legalism while neglecting justice, mercy, and faithfulness. (Matthew 23:23).

Judgmental Attitude: The Pharisees tended to condemn and criticize others based on their perceived shortcomings or failure to adhere to their own religious interpretations while disregarding the importance of inward transformation (Luke 18:9-14).

Hypocrisy in Prayer and Giving: Jesus exposed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees when it came to their public prayers and acts of giving. They would make a show of their religious acts to gain recognition and praise from others, but their motives were self-centred rather than genuinely seeking God’s approval (Matthew 6:5, Matthew 23:5-6).

Hypocrisy is like leaven in the sense that it only takes a little bit of it to affect a great mass. In light of their tremendous popularity, it was especially important for the disciples to remember this. The temptation to hypocrisy is often strongest to those who enjoy some measure of outward success. Jesus reminds His followers that nothing that is concealed or hidden will remain so indefinitely. He encourages them to live with integrity, knowing that their true character and motives will eventually be revealed.

Jesus assures His disciples that God sees and knows everything. The omniscience of God invites us to trust in Him completely (Proverbs 3:5-6) reminding us to lean not on our own understanding but to acknowledge Him in all our ways. As we surrender our limited perspective to the all-knowing God, we find the freedom to be authentic. The fear of being exposed is replaced by the assurance that He sees us, knows us, and loves us unconditionally.

In the presence of an all-knowing God, we find solace and security. Psalm 139 beautifully describes how intimately God knows us. He is aware of our thoughts, actions, and even the words on our tongues. We cannot hide from Him. His presence is a constant assurance that we are never alone. In moments of weakness and vulnerability, we find solace in His all-knowing nature, knowing that He understands and cares for us deeply.

God’s omniscience extends beyond mere knowledge; it penetrates the depths of our hearts and reveals our true motives. Hebrews 4:13 tells us that nothing is hidden from His sight. We cannot hide our thoughts, intentions, or actions from Him. His omniscience calls us to introspection and authenticity, inviting us to bring our hearts and motives before Him. In His presence, we find grace and transformation, as our hidden struggles are laid bare and brought into the light.

The omniscience of God dismantles the fasade of hypocrisy. Just as Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for their outward displays of righteousness while harboring impurity within, we are called to examine our own lives. God’s all-knowing nature exposes the inconsistency between our external actions and the condition of our hearts. His omniscience challenges us to live with integrity, aligning our inner lives with our outward expressions of faith.

As we embrace the truth that we have an omniscient God, who cares for us deeply and holds all things in His hands, may we find peace in knowing that our God, who knows every detail of our lives, is faithfully guiding us towards His purposes.


  1. Are there areas in my life where I may be tempted to put on a facade of righteousness while harboring impurity within?
  2. Am I being authentic in my prayers and acts of service, or am I seeking the praise and approval of others?
  3. How can I cultivate a deeper awareness of God’s presence and His omniscience in my daily life?

Scripture Writing: Hebrews 4:13

Song: Who You Say I Am

For more daily devotions like this – At the Potter’s Wheel (Kindle)


Preethi Alice Jacob

Preethi Jacob is the author of the yearlong devotional At the Potter’s Wheel, Day by Day. Her journey includes teaching a Bible Study Fellowship class, teaching and leading the Sunday School ministry in her church, leading Bible studies, besides counselling young women. She serves on the Global Mission Team of the United Bible Societies and lives in Bangalore, India with her husband and two young adult children.

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