Then Jesus said to him, Away with you, Satan! For it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.
Matthew 4:10
Jesus the Overcomer, the Sinless One
Matthew 4 opens with the account of Jesus being tempted by Satan (Mark 1:13; Luke 4:1-13; Hebrews 2:18). Jesus at His most hungry state, having fasted for forty days, was tempted by Satan to turn stones into bread to meet his physical hunger (Matthew 4:3). Satan further tempted HIm to put God to the test by jumping from the pinnacle of the temple, saying God would send the angels to save Him (Matthew 4:6). Finally, the temptation was to bow down and worship the devil in exchange for power (Matthew 4:8-9).
Jesus, the overcomer
Christ resisted each temptation. It was “impossible for Jesus to sin.” Jesus, the Son of God remained wholly obedient to the Father, using the Word of God to emphasize that God alone is supreme. He remained sinless
Bread, power, and worldly recognition continue to be very valid areas of temptation even today. Just as Satan persisted in upping the ante, as though he believed Jesus was only awaiting the perfect temptation, the most compelling offer. This satan continues to tempt each of us today. Jesus our Savior who resisted every temptation to remain the Sinless One, is able and willing to help us resist temptation today. Would you come to Jesus the Chain Breaker for help today? You too can overcome, through Christ alone!
Lord, I need you to help me resist temptations each day