John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
As we continue to ponder Who is He in Yonder Stall, we remember what All Heavens Declare, we thank God for being our Promise Keeper, the Faithful One. Today we consider what exactly happened at Christmas. Our text for today is an all too familiar verse that most of us know by heart. And yet, let’s pause together to consider the depths of its truth.
When God sent His Son into this world to be born of a woman, to live as a human being, He gave His very best. God did not send angels to redeem the world, He sent His only Son. God sent His Son, not just to enjoy life. God sent His Son to be born as a man, to live a spotless, sinless life so that He could be the precious Lamb of God that would take away our sin. God gave His Son, Jesus so that He could redeem mankind from the penalty of sin, by dying on that cruel cross of Calvary. God gave us the gift of His Son, His most treasured possession to die in your stead and mine, so that we may not perish but have eternal life.
To give a gift is to willingly give something to someone without payment. People give gifts as a way of showing thoughtfulness, love, and affection. Gifts bring joy or pleasure to the receiver. And yet, a gift is only a gift when it is received. The one to whom the gift is given has a choice to accept it or not. To receive a gift is a sign of gratitude and respect to the giver. A gift is often given not because the person deserves it.
When we receive gifts from our family or friends, most of us are quick to say thank you! Our responses range from a simple thank you to many flowery words that include, thank you for thinking of me, you are so thoughtful, thank you this really means a lot to me, etc.
What’s our response to the wonderful incredible Gift that came down at Christmas? Do we recognize and appreciate the priceless treasure that is ours for the taking? Have you accepted the gift of salvation and eternal life that God extends? Is ours a response of joy and overwhelming gratitude? Or have we lost the truth and wonder of this precious Gift, caught up in the celebrations of the event, rather than of the incredible Gift Himself? May our hearts resonate with the gratitude and the words of this beautiful song. May we choose to accept this incredible Gift, and live each day meaningfully for Him and His glory, especially through this season of Advent.
God sent His Son, they called Him Jesus
He came to love, heal and forgive
He lived and died, to buy my pardon
An empty grave is there to prove, my Savior livesBecause He lives,
I can face tomorrow
Because He lives,
all fear is gone
Because I know,
He holds the future
And life is worth,
the living just, because He lives
Yes Lord thank you that because you sent your Son and because He lives life is indeed worth the living. May I accept this Gift and ever live for you, I pray.

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God bless