The Lord said to Moses, “Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering. You are to receive the offering for me from everyone whose heart prompts them to give. – Exodus 25:1-2
It was time to build the sanctuary. | WATCH ON YOUTUBE
The Israelites had come out of Egypt. God had protected and provided for their every need. The Lord had also given them detailed laws concerning every area of living. And now the time had come for the Lord to dwell among His people. It was time to build the sanctuary.
And so, God called Moses and gave him instructions. The Israelites were to bring offerings to build the sanctuary. Moses was to receive offerings on behalf of the Lord. But he was to receive an offering from everyone whose heart is prompted to give. And therein lies, an undergirding principle regarding giving.
Could the Lord have built the sanctuary without the offerings from the people? Of course, He could have! Then why did the Lord require the people to contribute? The Lord, who owns cattle on a thousand hills, is more than able to accomplish all that He needs. But God in His graciousness, allows us to partner with Him in the work He does. What a privilege!
And so, when we give, it is to be from that place of being privileged to give and not as if we are doing the Lord a favour (is that even possible?). Giving is to be voluntary. Giving is never to be forced. 2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
Do you give and serve with a cheerful heart?
Lord, help me always give from a grateful heart, I pray.
Extended Reading — Exodus 25-27
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“I agree with your points, very insightful!”
mly informative and well-written!”