Six days do your work, but on the seventh day do not work, so that your ox and your donkey may rest, and so that the slave born in your household and the foreigner living among you may be refreshed.
Exodus 23:12
On the seventh day, God rested. | WATCH ON YOUTUBE
This chapter begins with specific instructions God gives on how His people were to handle legal situations. They were to be fair. They were to be true. They were to stand firm in doing what is right, even for those who hate them.
Next, the Lord moves to Sabbath laws. After six years of ploughing the field, the seventh year was to be a year of rest, so that the poor could get food from their fields. And after six days of work, the seventh day was to be a day of rest, to allow the slave and foreigner to be refreshed.
What an amazing God. A God who so graciously provides for the slaves who had no rights and the foreigner feeling lost away from home. God calls his people to be like Him. To care for the poor, those who have no rights, for those who are lonely and needy.
Someone said, if you are a Christian, even the dog in your home will know it. You and I have not done anything to deserve the homes, resources or talents we have. God, in his infinite wisdom and plan, has allowed it. There is no way that we can take credit for it or be arrogant about it. Instead, we are called to care for and bless those less fortunate than us.
What can you do differently this week, to be a greater blessing to those who serve you?
Lord, help me reflect your love to those who serve me, I pray.
Extended Reading — Exodus 22-24
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