And when the Lord sent you out from Kadesh-Barnea, he said, ‘Go up and take possession of the land I have given you.’ But you rebelled against the command of the Lord your God. You did not trust him or obey him. – Deuteronomy 9:23
Moses is stating some plain facts. | WATCH ON YOUTUBE
Standing on banks of Jordan, before crossing over into the Promised Land, Moses pauses to give the Israelites perspective. Israel has been a stiff-necked, rebellious people. They have no righteousness to call their own. Moses reminds them that the Lord is routing out the peoples in Canaan for the Israelites not because of Israel’s righteousness, but because of the wickedness of those nations.
The Israelites rebelled repeatedly. When Moses went up to the mountain to receive the tablets from the Lord, the people were impatient and doubted Moses’ return. So, on Aaron’s watch, they made for themselves an idol to worship. Another time was when the Lord asked the people to go up and take the possession of Kadesh-Barnea. They did not go because they did not trust Him.
How often we are like the Israelites. We have a wonderful God who waits to bless us. He has already done all that it takes to forgive our sins, give us abundant life here on earth and then amazing life in His presence forever. All we need to do is accept what He has already done for us, trust Him and live by the promises in His Word. And yet, we don’t. Why? Unwillingness to believe and obey Him is rebellion.
Are you rebellious?
Lord, forgive me and help my unbelief, I pray.
Extended Reading — Deuteronomy 8-10
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