I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end, He will stand on the earth.
Job 19:25
Amid his sorrow and his pain Job has a flash of profound prophetic faith.
Job, though going through immense suffering and complaining, has this time of proclaiming his faith. He affirms his faith in the fact that his Redeemer is alive, not someone dead and distant. He also states that in the end, He will stand on the earth, clearly pointing to the divine. Job was also declaring the truth that, in God, man has a Redeemer, in all the fullest senses of that great word.
A redeemer, in the Old Testament language, was a vindicator of one who was unjustly wronged. He was a defender of the oppressed and a champion of the one who was suffering. A redeemer was the advocate of the unjustly accused.
When Christ chose to be the Redeemer of His people, He came down to earth to redeem His people from their sins. Christ redeemed us by paying the price for us upon the cross of Calvary. He also redeemed us by the power of His divine Spirit coming into our heart and renewing our soul.
During his suffering, Job’s faith was intact. He did not become bitter. He did not curse God in all his pain. Rather Job proclaims his faith in his time of suffering. Times of suffering are times for us to turn our focus on God. To choose to affirm God and His faithfulness in our lives.
What is your response when you go through suffering?
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