So the cloud of the Lord was over the tabernacle by day, and the fire by night, in the sight of all the Israelites during all their travels. – Exodus 40:38
The Lord was with Israel. | WATCH ON YOUTUBE
God did not just deliver His people from the hands of their Egyptian masters, He continued to be with them. He led them through the desert and provided them with manna and quail all their years in the wilderness. Their clothes did not wear out nor did their feet swell (Deuteronomy 8:4). He took care of their every need. Most of all, He was with them. The Israelites enjoyed His presence through the cloud and the fire, which went with them, led them, directed them when to pitch the tent and when to move.
God continues to be with His people. In Hebrews 13:5, the Lord says He will never leave you nor forsake you. That promise remains true for each of us, even today. When the sun shines brightly, when someone gives you a warm hug when you are feeling low, when things simply fall into place, it is the presence of God. When you wake up to a new day and your needs are met, it is the presence of God. We often tend to take for granted, the many ways God makes His presence felt.
Even through the times when you feel all alone, and you doubt if He really is with you because of your sin, He remains true to His Word. He is with you; He will never forsake you.
Look out for ways He reveals Himself to you each day.
Lord, help me to be increasingly be aware of your presence in my life, each day, I pray.
Extended Reading — Exodus 39-40
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