Six of the towns you give the Levites will be cities of refuge, to which a person who has killed someone may flee. In addition, give them forty-two other towns. – Numbers 35:6
Cities of refuge were among the Levites cities. | WATCH ON YOUTUBE
These cities were the place a person, whether Israelite or foreigner, who killed someone unintentionally, could flee to. If a person killed another, the victim’s family could appoint a family member to avenge the death of their relative. The avenger was to find and kill the murderer. This led to justice for the intentional killing but injustice for the accidental ones. The provision of cities of refuge was not to condone the killing or to protect the murderer. Rather, provide the offender an opportunity to prove innocence.
Once inside a city of refuge, the person had to appear before the elders of the city to explain why the killing was accidental. If the person was found guilty, he could not stay in the city of refuge. But if the elders were convinced that the killing was not intentional, the person could live in the city of refuge. And when the high priest in office died, the person could return home without fear of harm. The high priest’s death seemed to serve as a symbolic atonement for accidental deaths.
God is our refuge, fortress, and deliverer who provides safety for all who come to Him for refuge from sin and its punishment (Psalm 18:2). Christ’s death and resurrection have provided us with freedom from the condemnation of the law and from an eternity in hell. But we need to choose Him.
Have you found your refuge in Christ?
Thank You, Lord, for the refuge I have in you.
Extended Reading — Numbers 35-36
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