The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent. – Exodus 33:11
God prepared Joshua to lead Israel after Moses. | WATCH ON YOUTUBE
Joshua had a huge task ahead of him and the Lord knew it. And one of the ways God trained Joshua was to get him to watch Moses, day after day.
The richness of Moses’ life and relationship with the Lord came from the time he spent in the Lord’s presence. The Lord would speak to him, face to face, as one would speak to a friend. Each time Moses met with the Lord and came out, his face was so radiant that he had to wear a veil on his face. (Exodus 34:35). What a privilege for Joshua to watch this up close.
Moses invested time in Joshua. Joshua got to watch Moses closely. He saw how Moses interacted with the Lord. Joshua watched Moses, on a regular basis. That is mentoring.
Mentoring is more than the words you speak. A mentor is a counsel, a guide. A mentor not only counsels, but also walks alongside. Mentoring is a biblical mandate. All of us, as believers, need mentors, someone to look to, for counsel, for guidance. But each of us are also called to be mentors, to lead, to point others to Christ. Older believers are called to mentor those younger in faith.
If you don’t already have one, would you prayerfully seek out a godly older man or woman to mentor you? Who are you investing in?
Dear Lord, help me have the humility to be mentored and to mentor someone you lead me to, I pray.
Extended Reading — Exodus 33-35
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