Whose Word? (Numbers 23:13-26) WORD

Published on Mar 5, 2025

God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? – Numbers 23:19

God’s Word is full of promises. | WATCH ON YOUTUBE

A promise is a declaration or assurance that one will do something. The one who promises, is bound to keep it and the one who receives the promise, needs to believe it. 

In the Bible, it is God who makes every single promise. He is the God who is the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Creator of the entire universe. Yes, the same amazing God who also created every cell in our body when He fearfully and wonderfully knit us together in our mother’s womb. (Jeremiah 1:5) 

And this Almighty God who is making these promises, has never once ever gone back on His Word or broken His promise. From the almost ridiculous promise of innumerable descendants, that God made to childless Abraham, to Simon, whom He named Cephas, the rock on which He would build his church. God came through on every single promise. Not one of His promises in the Bible failed. And there is absolutely no reason why they should begin to fail now! 

However, a promise is only of worth, when the promise is believed and received. Unless you are ready to receive the promises given in God’s Word, believe it and claim it for its worth, they simply remain nice sounding words, printed in the Bible. 

What promise from God’s Word would you choose to believe today?

Dear Lord, help me believe and receive every promise in your Word, I pray.

Extended Reading — Numbers 23-25

Read through the Bible in One Year: CLICK HERE

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THE POTTERS WHEEL – In a world filled with noise and distractions, “At the Potter’s Wheel” is a companion to the Bible that beckons readers to a place of stillness and connection, encouraging introspection and guiding readers toward a deeper relationship with God.

Preethi Alice Jacob

Preethi Jacob is the author of the yearlong devotional At the Potter’s Wheel, Day by Day. Her journey includes teaching a Bible Study Fellowship class, teaching and leading the Sunday School ministry in her church, leading Bible studies, besides counselling young women. She serves on the Global Mission Team of the United Bible Societies and lives in Bangalore, India with her husband and two young adult children.

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