1 Peter 4:11 – As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
Every one of us has received gifts from God.
Peter reminds his readers that each one is to minister their gift as good stewards. A steward is one who manages or looks after another’s property. The gifts we have are from God, not our own. We are to utilize and manage the resources and gifts God gives us, in a manner that honors God. We receive gifts from God because of His manifold grace.
Being good stewards means that we recognize the manifold grace of God toward us and use the gifts we have received for His glory. We are to be intentional about using every gift that God has given us well, for His Kingdom purposes. So, as Peter says in the subsequent verses, whatever the gift, big or small, seemingly important or not, we use it with the strength God provides, the ability that He supplies, to bring Him glory.
When God’s grace comes to us but doesn’t move through us, it is in vain. Are your gifts moving through you, ministering blessing to those around you?
Lord enable me to always honor you with the gifts you have given me.