John 15:1-2 – I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.
A disciple bears fruit for Christ.
God repeatedly used a vine as a symbol of His people (Psalm 80:8-9). As Jesus was about to depart from His disciples, this was an important encouragement, that He would remain in them and they in Him, as the branches are connected to the main vine.
The word prune is also translated cleanse. Left to itself a vine can produce a good deal of unproductive growth, even dead wood, which can harbor disease and decay. Intensive pruning is essential for maximum fruitfulness. The vinedresser cleans up the fruit-bearing vine so it will bear more fruit.
The vine and the branch as a picture of a relationship between God and His people is one of complete dependence and constant connection. The new covenant believer has a relationship with both the Father as the vinedresser and the Son, as the vine, God removes dead wood from His church and disciplines the life of believers as they abide in Him, to increase fruitfulness.Â
Are you bearing fruit for Him?
Lord may I abide in you each day, I pray.