
But Noah: Obedience the Cornerstone of Faith

But Noah: Obedience the Cornerstone of Faith

But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. With not a cloud in sight, never having seen rain, Noah faithfully built this thing called the ark over a span of decades! Now if that is not obedience, what is?

The Bottom Line

The Bottom Line

Murders begin not with the dagger, but with the malice of the soul. Adulteries and fornications are first gloated over in the heart before they are enacted by the body.

9. Jesus’ Submission and Obedience

9. Jesus’ Submission and Obedience

We celebrate Jesus because

Reason 9 – Jesus was obedient

#Advent #Christmas #Christ #WhyChristmas #31RealReasonforChristmas #AttributesOfGod #NamesOfGod #Obedience #John #submission

Swimming Upstream: A Call to Faith and Obedience

Swimming Upstream: A Call to Faith and Obedience

Moses called the Israelites to make a choice between life and death, to choose life and faith. We have a similar choice to make today. What is your response?


You, Not Your Brother – Embracing Your Unique Calling

You, Not Your Brother – Embracing Your Unique Calling

Is there something God is calling you to do and you have been running? Feel ill-equipped, scared, overwhelmed?

Our God calls, and equips, as He did Moses.


Answering the Call: For A Time Such as This

Answering the Call: For A Time Such as This

Are you in a place where you are avoiding what you know you should be doing? A choice to make? 

Esther rose to the situation, would you?

#DivinePurpose #ForSuchATimeAsThis #AnsweringTheCall #EstherInspiration #MakingADifference
#ObedienceToGod #EmbracingGodsPlan #FaithInAction #GodsTiming

Part 2 – Call to Action

Part 2 – Call to Action

Series: Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:11 - Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  As Paul finishes his letter to the Ephesians, he thinks of the greatest struggle that is before them and wants to prepare...

Would You Dare?

Would You Dare?

But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. Daniel 1:8 Nebuchadnezzar confiscated more than the holy things from the temple. He brought to Babylon the young and...