
Our Compassionate God Sees and Sets Free

Our Compassionate God Sees and Sets Free

Pause to consider how you have experienced God’s compassion. Our God is compassionate and calls us to reflect His compassion to the hurting world around us.

Ever-Present God Listens When We Call

Ever-Present God Listens When We Call

Are there times you feel disconnected from God like He is distant, uninterested, or even absent in your life?

God is near to all who call on Him.

God Answers Faith-filled Prayers

God Answers Faith-filled Prayers

Consider the mountains you may be facing today. Persist in faith-filled prayer, knowing that He is able to move and overcome the impossible.

God Heals: On the Jericho Road

God Heals: On the Jericho Road

Do I have the determination and faith of Bartimaeus to cry out to Jesus for mercy and healing in my life? Do I truly believe that God cares enough to stop and listen to every heart’s cry, including mine?

The Bottom Line

The Bottom Line

Murders begin not with the dagger, but with the malice of the soul. Adulteries and fornications are first gloated over in the heart before they are enacted by the body.

A Life that is Led: A Tale of Faith

A Life that is Led: A Tale of Faith

Can you really know God and His ways? Do you expect God to answer when you pray? Are you walking by faith ? A life that is led is a prayerful life.

Depart to Stay Aligned: Spending Time with the Father

Depart to Stay Aligned: Spending Time with the Father

What steals your moments with God? Busy schedules? Self-assurance? Jesus as the Son of God, prioritized time for prayer. How much more do you and I need to do?

#SolitudeInPrayer #GodsPerfectWill #PrioritizeTimeWithGod #DivineGuidance #ReflectionAndRealignment #RealigningPriorities

Authentic Prayer – Privilege, Not Performance

Authentic Prayer – Privilege, Not Performance

Who is your focus when you pray? Yourself, people around, or God? Jesus reminds us that God is more interested in our hearts than our words.

Trusting God in the Midst of Questions

Trusting God in the Midst of Questions

Ever wondered why God appears silent in the midst of chaos? Hesitant to ask questions, fearing they might be impertinent? Habakkuk has timeless wisdom to share.


My Timing? My Way? Thankfully No!

My Timing? My Way? Thankfully No!

Have there been times you have questioned God’s timing or methods? Habakkuk learnt to trust God’s timing and ways, would you?


Battle Offense: Renewing Your Mind

Battle Offense: Renewing Your Mind

Pause for a moment, take stock of the kind of thoughts that fill your mind. Our thoughts have greater impact than we might realize.


Emergency Drill: When the Battles of Life Loom Large

Emergency Drill: When the Battles of Life Loom Large

When faced with unexpected challenges who or what do you turn to? Jehoshaphat put his emergency drill into action, giving him victory.


A Guarded Heart

A Guarded Heart

Philippians 4:6-7 - Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. A...

Day 4: From Controlling to Liberating Faith

Victorious Christian Living Lord so often in our fear or pride, we tend to try and control our circumstances and the people around us. We are so bent on having our own way. We want to be in control of every detail, big and small. We have failed to seek your will or...

Prepare for Victorious Christian Living

Victorious Christian Living Making resolutions at the beginning of the year is common practice. At the beginning of the year, many of us make resolves and resolutions of various kinds, to bring change with regard to our health, time, finances, or even relationships....

Part 10 – First Response

Part 10 – First Response

Series: Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:18-20 - Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints We have looked closely at the different parts of the armor of...

A Set Apart Privilege

A Set Apart Privilege

The sons of Amram: Aaron and Moses. Aaron was set apart, he and his descendants forever, to consecrate the most holy things, to offer sacrifices before the Lord, to minister before him and to pronounce blessings in his name forever. 1 Chronicles...

Emergency Drill

Emergency Drill

2 Chronicles 20:3 (AMP) - 3 Then Jehoshaphat was afraid and set himself [determinedly, as his vital need] to seek the Lord; and he proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. Emergency drills are a mandatory part of every organization’s quality standard requirement....