At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” Job 1:20-21
Job is exhausted.
Job was one of the most God-fearing men that ever lived. God, Himself was so confident in Job’s faithfulness that He allowed Satan to test him. And as part of that test, Job loses all that he owns, including his family except for a wife he could have done without.
Literally, everything that he owned was gone. And all in a matter of a single day. And if all this were not enough, there came the next set of trouble. Job was afflicted with sores from head to toe. Sores that were extremely painful and left him so badly scarred that his friends couldn’t even recognize him. That he was devastated, is an understatement.
Job was truly exhausted. This was way more than he could bear. He was exhausted from grieving. He was exhausted from the pain he was going through. Job broke down, he grieved deeply. Human emotion got the better of Job. And there is nothing wrong with that.
Few of us may be able to identify with Job’s level of pain and suffering. But in our times of suffering and pain, we too express our pain and our emotions. They do get the better of us. Sometimes we are too tired to even listen to any counsel. And that’s okay.
It is okay to grieve, to express our sorrow, to cry. We can come to Him with our honest fears, our pain, and questions even. God understands and loves us still. He remembers that we are mere dust.
What tough situations in your life have made you weary and overwhelmed?
Lord, I choose to rest in your loving arms through my pain.
Extended Reading – Job 6-9