“Make sure that you do not take my son back there,” Abraham said.
Genesis 24:6
Abraham was very clear. | WATCH ON YOUTUBE
Abraham now lived in Canaan, the land that the Lord had promised to give him and his descendants forever. Abraham had grown to know, love, and trust Yahweh and had experienced His awesome leading and faithfulness. Though Abraham had grown immensely in wealth, he did not involve himself with the people of the land, for they served foreign gods.
And now lay before Abraham, the all-important task of finding a bride for Isaac, his son. He never forgot how God had called him out of his father’s house, to bless him. He knew that he was not to return to the place from where God had called him out. But he also needed to find a bride for his son from among his people and not from the people of Canaan.
So, Abraham calls his oldest servant, and gives him clear instructions. He was to find a bride for his son Isaac from among his father’s house. But Isaac was not to be taken there. Isaac was not to return or move out of the promise that God had given.
We are called to stay out of the places of temptation and sin that God has called us from. We are not to return. God calls us to stay in the place of His promises to us.
Is there some such place that God is telling you not to return to? A place where you could be tempted to sin or go back to your old ways? Maybe an old habit or addiction? Or to stay away from some friends who could lead you back to your old ways?
Lord, keep me in your place of promise, I pray.
Extended Reading – Genesis 22-24
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