I would like to reply to you and to your friends with you. – Job 35:4
Elihu, though young, was a man with a wise spirit.
Elihu’s message was different from the other friends. His message was not another misguided effort to comfort Job with bad theology. His message had distinct marks of being guided by the Spirit of God. When Elihu is finished at the end of chapter 37 Job is silent. He does not dispute with Elihu. And interestingly when God finally turns to Job’s comforters to express his anger at them, he only mentions Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar (Job 42:7), not Elihu.
Elihu’s message shows that he was stirred by the Spirit of God. Young Elihu was slow to speak. He took his time, he listened to all the others. Often when we feel we have a message from the Lord, we can become presumptuous and lose the meekness and gentleness of a learner. But those whose burden is from the Spirit will be slow to speak, quick to listen and learn and grow.
But after a point, Elihu could not keep quiet any longer. He was burdened with a message from God (Job 32:18). A person stirred by the Spirit of God is passionate about the truth of God (Psalm 39:3).
Elihu was also very angry. He was angry with Job for justifying himself rather than God. He was also angry with the three friends because they did not refute Job (Job 32:2-3). The mark of righteous anger is that it is triggered by the belittling of God and not the belittling of ourselves. Elihu though young, was led by the Spirit of God.
Does your life reflect marks of one being led by the Lord?
Lord help me be slow to speak and quick to hold your name up high, I pray.
Extended Reading – Job 35-37
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