But Laban said to him, “If I have found favour in your eyes, please stay. I have learned by divination that the Lord has blessed me because of you.” He added, “Name your wages, and I will pay them.”
Genesis 30:27-28
Jacob had served Laban long years. | WATCH ON YOUTUBE
Jacob had served Laban for seven years for Leah, his older daughter. Then another seven years for Rachel the younger daughter. He had all his sons and daughter, except Benjamin, while working for Laban. And now, Jacob asks to leave. But Laban entreats him to stay.
Laban recognizes that he is blessed because Jacob was with him. He recognizes his stocks have increased, he has grown in wealth because of Jacob. And so, Laban is willing to pay him anything, to keep Jacob back. Jacob asks for his wages in the form of every speckled or spotted sheep, every dark-coloured lamb, and every spotted or speckled goat. Laban agrees. Jacob ends up staying another six years.
In just the next chapter, we find Jacob’s description of how he worked for Laban and why Laban valued his service so much. Jacob reminds Laban, how during the twenty long years he worked for Laban, the ewes had not miscarried (Genesis 31:38). Jacob bore the losses of sheep killed by wild animals. He worked hard, day in and day out (Genesis 31:39).
Laban was no easy boss. He demanded payment from Jacob for the flock that was stolen (vs.39). He changed his wages ten times in twenty years (vs.41). Despite all that, Jacob remained faithful and took good care of the flock. He took his job seriously. He was hardworking and diligent.
How would your boss, or those you serve, respond, if you were to leave today?
Lord, that I may be a blessing where I serve, I pray.
Extended Reading – Genesis 30-31
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