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In Your Stead (Leviticus 1:1-2) SALVATION
If we accept Him as our Saviour, we don’t have to pay the rightful penalty for our sin, which is death. Have you chosen to accept this amazing offe...
Practice the Presence (Exodus 40:34-38) KNOW YOUR GOD
Even through the times when you feel all alone, and you doubt if He really is with you because of your sin, He remains true to His Word. He is with...
Step into the Water (Exodus 36:1-7) CALLING
Would you take courage and step out into the waters, to do what He has called you to do? You will walk the waters with Him.
What Are You Reflecting? (Exodus 33:7-11) MENTORING
If you don’t already have one, would you prayerfully seek out a godly older man or woman to mentor you? Who are you investing in?
A Price to Pay (Exodus 32:1-35) COMMITMENT
You and I are called to choose Christ in the small and big happenings of life, among family, friends and in the marketplace. And that could sometim...
Priestly Duties (Exodus 28:15-30) PRAYER
We are to be diligent to intercede on behalf of others and our words and actions are to be motivated by His love. How can you pray more diligently...
Privileged to Give (Exodus 25:1-9) GIVING
2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a ...
High Calling (Exodus 23:10-13) GRACE
What can you do differently this week, to be a greater blessing to those who serve you?
Treasured Possession (Exodus 19:1-6) OBEDIENCE
What is one area where you have only done the part that is convenient to you and avoided obeying Him fully?
Do You Remember? (Exodus 16:1-8) GRATITUDE
When we complain, we blame people around us, even those who have helped and done us well. A heart that trusts God is a grateful heart.
Be Still (Exodus 14:1-31) WAIT ON GOD
What crisis are you facing today, that you are yet to trust God with?
The Last Plague (Exodus 12:1-30) SALVATION
As John 1:12 says, yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God. Have you believe...
A Pharaoh in You (Exodus 9:13-35) FAITH
The health, the resources, the talents and the abilities that we have, are all gifts and miracles from the Lord. And yet, when faced with challenge...
When Confused (Exodus 5:22-23) PRAYER
There may be times when we are confused and have questions too. Let us come to Him, as Moses did, from a place of humility and with a heart willing...
No One But You Will Do (Exodus 3:1-22) CALLING
God does not just call but also equips, with His presence and His guidance. We just need to obey. If God is calling you, would you say, “Yes Lord,”...
Not My Place (Genesis 50:15-21) RECONCILIATION
Is there someone against whom you have been harbouring bitterness? Would you ask God for His grace to love and forgive that person today?
Above and Beyond (Genesis 47:1-12) FORGIVENESS
Who needs your above-and-beyond today? To whom can you return good for evil? Like Joseph, you too can do it, by God’s grace.
Choose to Trust (Genesis 45:1-28) KNOW YOUR GOD
Would you choose to trust Him today and let it show in the way you respond to life?
Not About Me (Genesis 39:1-6) HUMILITY
All that we have is from the Lord and so none of us have reason to boast. (1 Corinthians 4:7) Do you tend to take pride in your talent or gifts?
The Fragrance of Choice (Genesis 39:1-6) CHOICES
Who is being blessed because you are serving joyfully, trusting God, despite your circumstances?
When Life Is Not Fair (Genesis 37:12-36) TRUST GOD
God has a plan for your life too. Would you choose, like Joseph, to trust God, even when you don’t understand?
For He Has Said (Genesis 32:1-32) KNOW YOUR GOD
God remains the same and is ever faithful to His Word and His promises, even today. Do you know Him and His Word to go to Him in confidence, when i...
How Will You Be Missed? (Genesis 30:25-43) WORK ETHICS
How would your boss, or those you serve, respond, if you were to leave today?
Are You Running? (Genesis 28:10-22) FAITH WALK
He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He remains the same loving God, who promises to be with us, provide for us, and never leave us nor fo...
Your Bowl of Soup (Genesis 25:27-34) CHOICES
Are you addicted to the various screens of your phone, television, computer, etc. to the exclusion of your family time? Are there unhealthy relatio...
Not to Return (Genesis 24:1-9) TEMPTATION
Is there some such place that God is telling you not to return to? A place where you could be tempted to sin or go back to your old ways? Maybe an ...
Where Are You Headed Today? (Genesis 19:1-29) CHOICES
From the time you chose to wake up this morning, to the sequence of dressing up and getting to the tasks for the day, all are choices that have con...
Called to Return? (Genesis 16:1-16) SUBMISSION
What place of suffering are you running from? Would you humbly trust God, even if it means returning, and submitting to the very same difficult sit...
The ABC Of Disappointment (Genesis 13:1-18) DISSAPOINTMENT
The ABC's of Disappointment: Accept, Be Gracious, & Continue to trust God!
Attention Please (Job 42:1-17) FAITH
Is God trying to draw your attention to Him through a painful situation in your life? Would you, like Job choose to trust Him, even when you don’t ...