Trusting God

Sink or Walk: Strengthening Faith Amid Life’s Storms

Sink or Walk: Strengthening Faith Amid Life’s Storms

Are you overwhelmed, mind clouded with the storms of life? Have fear and doubt replaced your faith? Peter walked the waters when his eyes were fixed on the Lord


Only When: Power of Embracing Faith Over Logic

Only When: Power of Embracing Faith Over Logic

Have you ever trusted when logic failed? How do you respond when exhausted?

Peter reminds us we can trust Jesus even against our instincts and experience.

#FaithOverLogic #TrustInJesus #DivineEncounters #ExhaustionAndFaith #TrustBeyondExperience #SpiritualJourney #FaithInAction #EmbracingDivineGuidance

Trusting God in the Midst of Questions

Trusting God in the Midst of Questions

Ever wondered why God appears silent in the midst of chaos? Hesitant to ask questions, fearing they might be impertinent? Habakkuk has timeless wisdom to share.


Conquering Giants with David’s Mighty Battle Cry of Faith

Conquering Giants with David’s Mighty Battle Cry of Faith

In the face of various challenges, do you find yourself overwhelmed and fearful? David reminds us that our God stands ever-ready to fight our battles.

#1 Samuel

Walking by Faith: Own Your Promises

Walking by Faith: Own Your Promises

The Lord had an interesting conversation with Abram, after Lot and he parted ways. There are some rich truths there that are relevant for us even today


When Fear Strikes – CPR for a Believer

When Fear Strikes – CPR for a Believer

Feeling overwhelmed by life’s battles? Ever wonder how to respond to challenging times with resilience? Jehoshaphat reminds us to confront fear with faith


I Choose: Symphony of Faith and Gratitude

I Choose: Symphony of Faith and Gratitude

From the time we wake up each day, we make choices – small, mundane, big, life-changing. May the words of this poem resonate with our prayer to choose Him daily.


Swimming Upstream: A Call to Faith and Obedience

Swimming Upstream: A Call to Faith and Obedience

Moses called the Israelites to make a choice between life and death, to choose life and faith. We have a similar choice to make today. What is your response?


You, Not Your Brother – Embracing Your Unique Calling

You, Not Your Brother – Embracing Your Unique Calling

Is there something God is calling you to do and you have been running? Feel ill-equipped, scared, overwhelmed?

Our God calls, and equips, as He did Moses.


Abraham’s Faith – Right Standing With God: Part 2

Abraham’s Faith – Right Standing With God: Part 2

Do you truly believe God has the power to fulfill His promises? Are you intentional about strengthening your faith?

Abraham fully believed God’s power, promise


In Quiet Faith We Wait

In Quiet Faith We Wait

How do you respond to times of waiting, are you able to be patient or do you prefer to take things into your own hands?

The word says – wait patiently for Him.

From a Place of Love: Trusting God in Trials

From a Place of Love: Trusting God in Trials

How do you typically respond to challenges and difficulties? Resentful? Discouraged? Doubt God?

Moses pointed the Israelites to God’s love in discipline.


Choosing the High Road: Trusting God’s Sovereignty

Choosing the High Road: Trusting God’s Sovereignty

Are there times you find life is not fair, wondering what have you even done to be treated like this? David trusted, accepted the sovereignty of God, would you?


Faith Tested: What’s On Your Altar Today?

Faith Tested: What’s On Your Altar Today?

What is that, one most precious thing or person in your life? If the Lord were to ask you for it what would be your response?

Abraham obeyed, and immediately.

#FaithTested #SurrenderedFaith #AltarOfTrust #UnwaveringObedience #TrustingGod #BelieveAndObey #DivineSurrender #TrustingHisTiming

Undergirded: Great Peace Amidst the Storms

Undergirded: Great Peace Amidst the Storms

Are you facing tough, painful situations, that seem like more than you can bear?

Peace amidst the storms is the portion of all who choose to trust in Him.

#ResilientSpirit #AnchoredInHope #OvercomingChallenges #TrustingHisPlan
#SerenityInChaos #DivineComfort

Trusting in Stillness: Not Easy, But Worth It

Trusting in Stillness: Not Easy, But Worth It

When faced with challenges do you feel the compelling need to do something, anything? Maybe it gives relief. sense of control? The Lord reminds us to be still.

#BeStillAndKnow #TrustingInStillness #RestInFaith #FaithOverFear #SurrenderToGod

Shut In by Faith: But Not Forgotten

Shut In by Faith: But Not Forgotten

Are there times when you feel shut in, trapped in some difficult situation? Obedient Noah was shut in too, but he was not alone or forgotten!

#ObedienceAndFaith #EmbracingGodsShelter #JourneyOfFaith #ThrillofChristianWalk #TrustingGodsPlan

But Noah: Obedience the Cornerstone of Faith

But Noah: Obedience the Cornerstone of Faith

Genesis 6:7-8: So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” But...

The Power of God With Us: Navigating Life with Confidence

The Power of God With Us: Navigating Life with Confidence

Are you feeling lonely, fearful, facing sickness and loneliness?

God is with us empowering, guiding and strengthening us. Strength will rise as we wait on Him.

#GodsWithUs #DivinePresence #EmpoweringFaith #GuidedByGod #TrustingHisGuidance

God is Rich in Mercy: Find Strength in Him

God is Rich in Mercy: Find Strength in Him

When in difficult situations, do you tend to seek strength from others, from within yourself?

God, rich in mercy, is found by those who truly seek Him.

#FindingStrengthInGod #GodsMercyAndGrace #TrustInGod

God of Peace and Reconciliation: Called to be Peacemakers

God of Peace and Reconciliation: Called to be Peacemakers

Are you angry and vengeful because of a difficult relationship, unwilling to bring peace, reconciliation?

Our God of reconciliation calls us to be peacemakers.

#PeaceAndReconciliation #HealingRelationships #EmbracingHumility #ForgivenessInAction

God’s Purposes will not be Thwarted: Trust Him

God’s Purposes will not be Thwarted: Trust Him

Are you in a season of waiting and uncertainty, questioning God’s plan for your life?

God uses great preparation when the task is great. Trust Him.

#TrustInGod #UnthwartablePurposes #SovereigntyOfGod #AnchorInUncertainty

A New Year Prayer

A New Year Prayer

Lord as into this New Year I stepThis my prayer this my requestGive me joy Lord, Give me loveThat to a watching worldI would live to show, the beautyOf a life that in You is found! Lord as into this New Year I stepNo clue have I of what to expectOf what the joys or...