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Choose to Love (Deuteronomy 6:1-9) CHOICES
The one thing that occupies your mind would be the thing or person you love the most. Is it God? How much of your love for God did those around you...
Alive and Active (Deuteronomy 4:1-14) BIBLE
Would you ask the Lord to reveal Himself to you through His Word and give you a heart that is willing to listen and obey?
Not to Forget (Deuteronomy 1:1-8) KNOW GOD
Would you pause right now to prayerfully remember and thank God for His goodness to you and your loved ones in the past one week?
Tower of Refuge (Numbers 35:6-34) SALVATION
Christ’s death and resurrection have provided us with freedom from the condemnation of the law and from an eternity in hell. But we need to choose ...
Partial Obedience? (Numbers 33:1-56) LOVE GOD
We are to be holy and set apart, not just when others can see us, but even when we are alone, and no one is watching. Jesus said “if you love me ke...
Why Not Me? (Numbers 31:1-24) JUSTIFICATION
For the Bible says, unless we repent, we will perish too (Luke 13:5). Would you ask God to give you a contrite and repentant heart?
It Is Finished (Numbers 28:1-8) SALVATION
Who is the one person with whom you will share this truth of the finished work of the cross today?
Heavy Price (Numbers 27:12-23) DEPENDANCE ON GOD
For what do you need to depend on the Lord in humility?
Whose Word? (Numbers 23:13-26) WORD
What promise from God’s Word would you choose to believe today?
Look and Live (Numbers 21:4-9) SALVATION
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. You have nothing t...
On His Terms (Numbers 18:1-7) SALVATION
He gave us His Son as the one-time atonement for our sin. We need to come to Him, on His terms.
Grim Consequences (Numbers 16:1-50) PRIDE
True leaders are called by God to their offices. They are not self-appointed. How are you respecting the leaders that God has appointed?
Are You Rebelling? (Numbers 12:1-16) SIN
We are quick to defend ourselves, but slow to speak up for the Lord. How do you respond when those you love, and trust, turn against you?
Tough Silence (Numbers 12:1-16) COMPLAINING
We are quick to defend ourselves, but slow to speak up for the Lord. How do you respond when those you love, and trust, turn against you?
Encourage in Love (Numbers 10:11-36) WITNESS
As believers who have tasted and seen that the Lord is God, we are to share out life’s experience with those who don’t know Him.
From a Place of Love (Numbers 7:1-11) GIVING
Does your offering of money, talent and time come out of genuine love and gratitude for the Lord?
The Priority of Preparation (Numbers 5:1-4) HOLINESS
We are to be humble and quick to repent when the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin. Our lives are to be pure, in thoughts, words, and deeds.
The Business of Your Life (Numbers 3:1-51) CHRISTIAN WALK
If you belong to Christ, you will make it the business of your life to serve him, as the Levites did.
Prepare for Battle (Numbers 1:1-18) CHRISTIAN WALK
Are you equipping yourself for battle by reading the Bible and praying every day?
Rewards Follow (Leviticus 26:1-13) OBEDIENCE
Would you choose to obey God and enjoy His presence in your life, daily?
Rest and Freedom (Leviticus 25:1-12) LAW
The dead in Christ will rise first and those alive will be caught up in the clouds to meet Him, to be with Him forever more.
No Two Ways About It (Leviticus 23:1-8) SIN
Have you grasped and accepted this deep truth? With whom will you share this truth, this week?
Reverence for God (Leviticus 19:1-37) RELATIONSHIPS
Who have you been disrespectful to? Would you ask God to forgive you and help you find creative ways to respect them always?
Serious Business (Leviticus 16:1-35) SIN
Trust in the Word of God increases our discomfort with sin and propels us towards God. Is the sin in your life making you uncomfortable or are you ...
Do You Not Know? (Leviticus 15:1-33) HOLINESS
We owe our life, and all that we are, to Christ. We are not our own but called to live a life for Him, on His terms. A life that is separated, live...
Enslaved to What? (Leviticus 11:43-47) HOLINESS
We live for His purposes, to worship Him the way He wishes to be worshipped. We are called to be slaves to righteousness, which leads to holiness.
Washed, Dressed, Anointed (Leviticus 8:1-36) CONSECRATED
Jesus Christ’s perfect sinless sacrifice paid the price, once and for all. Everyone who believes in Him is saved and made righteous before God. But...
Nothing but the Best (Leviticus 7:28-38) WORSHIP
We have received the best and the ultimate sacrifice, how can we not offer anything but our best?
In Your Stead (Leviticus 1:1-2) SALVATION
If we accept Him as our Saviour, we don’t have to pay the rightful penalty for our sin, which is death. Have you chosen to accept this amazing offe...
Practice the Presence (Exodus 40:34-38) KNOW YOUR GOD
Even through the times when you feel all alone, and you doubt if He really is with you because of your sin, He remains true to His Word. He is with...