christian walk

Shut In by Faith: But Not Forgotten

Shut In by Faith: But Not Forgotten

Are there times when you feel shut in, trapped in some difficult situation? Obedient Noah was shut in too, but he was not alone or forgotten!

Kingdom of Love: The Invitation is Open

Kingdom of Love: The Invitation is Open

Do the demands of my busy life, work, responsibilities often drown out the soft whisper of God’s invitation? Jesus lovingly invites us to His Great Banquet.

Our Compassionate God Sees and Sets Free

Our Compassionate God Sees and Sets Free

Pause to consider how you have experienced God’s compassion. Our God is compassionate and calls us to reflect His compassion to the hurting world around us.

The All Important Question

The All Important Question

Who do you see Jesus as – a historical figure, a good teacher, a moral example to follow? This question that has eternal consequences begs an answer today.

Abundant Forgiveness, Overflowing Love

Abundant Forgiveness, Overflowing Love

Guilt and shame can be crippling tools that the evil one uses to keep us from failing to fully embrace God’s forgiveness. Would you choose to come to Him today?

Humility: Jesus, the Ultimate Example

Humility: Jesus, the Ultimate Example

Break free from the chains of pride and self-centeredness. Follow Jesus’ example to grow in humility, relying on the Holy Spirit to guide you daily. God is near to all who call on Him.

Ever-Present God Listens When We Call

Ever-Present God Listens When We Call

Are there times you feel disconnected from God like He is distant, uninterested, or even absent in your life?

God is near to all who call on Him.

God Answers Faith-filled Prayers

God Answers Faith-filled Prayers

Consider the mountains you may be facing today. Persist in faith-filled prayer, knowing that He is able to move and overcome the impossible.

God Heals: On the Jericho Road

God Heals: On the Jericho Road

Do I have the determination and faith of Bartimaeus to cry out to Jesus for mercy and healing in my life? Do I truly believe that God cares enough to stop and listen to every heart’s cry, including mine?

Following Jesus’ Example of Compassion

Following Jesus’ Example of Compassion

Jesus reached out to everyone, breaking down social barriers. Let’s follow His example and extend compassion to those in need. How can you show compassion today?

What Actually Matters: Tradition Vs Truth

What Actually Matters: Tradition Vs Truth

In our spiritual journey, let’s be wary of prioritizing man-made traditions over God’s word. Jesus teaches us that authenticity and heart condition matter more than mere appearances.

The Divine Farmer: What is Your Soil?

The Divine Farmer: What is Your Soil?

Let’s connect with fellow believers, encourage each other, and pray for spiritual nourishment. Remember, our God, the Divine Farmer, sows His word to all.

First Job of A Disciple: Be with Jesus

First Job of A Disciple: Be with Jesus

Being with Jesus is vital for our spiritual growth and well-being. As we remain in Him, we bear fruit, find rest, and learn from Him as our teacher and guide.

Jesus, the Cornerstone of God’s Kingdom

Jesus, the Cornerstone of God’s Kingdom

The religious leaders rejected Him, the Roman leaders crucified Him, the Jewish multitudes chose another, and the disciples cowered in fear. What is your response to Jesus the Cornerstone?

Eternal Life: Why It Cannot Be Earned

Eternal Life: Why It Cannot Be Earned

Eternal life is a divine gift from God, given to those who place their trust in Jesus as their Savior. It’s not something you can earn through good deeds.

What in Your Life Needs To Be Undone?

What in Your Life Needs To Be Undone?

Isaiah felt undone, and rightly so when he saw the vision of God. Undone is not a bad place to be. God will never do anything with us till he has first of all undone us.

God’s Unmerited Favor

God’s Unmerited Favor

The persistent and unyielding faith of the gentle woman, even when it seemed otherwise, led to her daughter’s healing. Let’s remember to remain steadfast in our faith and trust in God’s grace, regardless of the challenges we face.

Who Do You Say I Am?

Who Do You Say I Am?

Is Jesus your personal Savior? Do you believe He is truly the Son of God? How is knowing Jesus personally, affecting your life each day?

Empowered Life: Created and Redeemed by Christ

Empowered Life: Created and Redeemed by Christ

Are you His twice over?

Those created and redeemed by Christ live empowered lives with the reasonable response of living as living sacrifices for Him each day.


Battle Offense: Renewing Your Mind

Battle Offense: Renewing Your Mind

Pause for a moment, take stock of the kind of thoughts that fill your mind. Our thoughts have greater impact than we might realize.


You, Not Your Brother – Embracing Your Unique Calling

You, Not Your Brother – Embracing Your Unique Calling

Is there something God is calling you to do and you have been running? Feel ill-equipped, scared, overwhelmed?

Our God calls, and equips, as He did Moses.


Messed Up People: A Call to Shine

Messed Up People: A Call to Shine

The world around us is messed up, pain and suffering all around. May we be His beacons of love, HIs hands and feet, in a world plagued by decay and distress.

#LostInCompromise #CallToShine #BeTheLight #EmbraceCompassion #HandsOfLove #WhispersoftheSoul

My Lighthouse

My Lighthouse

When times of pain and loneliness seem to darken your day, choose to fix your eyes on the Lighthouse of your soul!

#HopeInTheDark #FindingStrength #EmbracingHope #FaithOverFear

What in Your Life Needs To Be Undone?

Read: Matthew 18:1-20 Matthew 18:8 - If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. God is holy and calls us to be...

Prepare for Victorious Christian Living

Victorious Christian Living Making resolutions at the beginning of the year is common practice. At the beginning of the year, many of us make resolves and resolutions of various kinds, to bring change with regard to our health, time, finances, or even relationships....

Part 1 – Increasing Strength

Part 1 – Increasing Strength

Series: Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:10 - Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.  Having carefully established our place in Jesus and the basics of our Christian faith, Paul now says, finally, my brethren. Paul has established...

Part 6: Cleansed and Focused

Part 6: Cleansed and Focused

Series: Daily Christian Living Matthew 5:8 - Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. The Lord here is talking about purity of the heart. Jesus came into the world to purify our dirty hearts. He reminds the disciples, it is not enough to have...

Introduction: Daily Christian Living

Introduction: Daily Christian Living

Series: Daily Christian Living We here begin a series on this passage in the gospel of Matthew 5, famously known as the Beatitudes. We will look together in the coming weeks at this section of Jesus’ teaching the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 5 begins by saying,...

You are Valued and Worth a Stop: Voice, Not Noise

You are Valued and Worth a Stop: Voice, Not Noise

Do you feel overlooked, rejected, unheard, unimportant, seeking a breakthrough? Our God cares to stop, listen to our cry. He knows your name, hears your voice.

ValuedByGod #VoiceNotNoise #GodsLoveForAll #PersistentFaith